A look at everything Palin and some sleazy stuff about the GOP ---This Blog is a compilation of Web information about Palin and The Right Wing effort to take over this Country for their Corporate Masters---It's not for profit or personal gain
Monday, January 31, 2011
Audio- Limbaugh: “Pharaoh Obama” Grew “A Quasi-Mustache There For The Appropriate Facial Hair During The [Cairo] Speech”
Audio- Limbaugh: “Pharaoh Obama” Grew “A Quasi-Mustache There For The Appropriate Facial Hair During The [Cairo] Speech” ~~~~~~~A note from thepalinenigma~~~Talk about making things up!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Wit's End: Greenpeace sends a message aloft to the Koch Broth...
Wit's End: Greenpeace sends a message aloft to the Koch Broth...: "That was yesterday - I'm working on uploading pictures from the demonstration today. Everything went smoothly, with a very well organ..."
palingates: Sarah Palin
palingates: Sarah Palin: "I started this blog a few months after Sarah Palin returned to Alaska, having lost the election to Obama. She was still the governor and I ..."
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Palin Babygate: A Saucerful of Secrets
Palin Babygate: A Saucerful of Secrets: "Pink Floyd's second album, entitled A Saucerful of Secrets and released in 1968, the year I gave up on the bigoted Baptist church, was a st..."
Palin Babygate: Republican Dogs Eviscerate Paradigm Shift!
Cut Social Security To "Save" It From Cuts? | Crooks and Liars
http://malialitman.wordpress.com/2011/01/28/sarah-palin-is-the-fraud-and-America-is-waking-up/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Malia Litman Exposes and continues to shine the light on Sarah Palin .Thank God we have insightful and articulate journalists and Bloggers in this Country who recognise Palins phony exterior and the hate she spews ! I repost and hope that they will reach new readers who will then follow these brave and dedicated writers,thepalinenigma
Thursday, January 27, 2011
#trackback ~~~~Sarah never lets us down ! follow trackback to another great video of the queen of ? Or maybe not.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
American People Overwhelmingly Oppose Reductions in Social Security and Medicare; Would Prefer Tax Increases, Pentagon Cuts | Elections
American People Overwhelmingly Oppose Reductions in Social Security and Medicare; Would Prefer Tax Increases, Pentagon Cuts Elections~~~~~Firedoglake
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Beck: Progressives Have "Tried To Destroy" God
Beck: Progressives Have "Tried To Destroy" God Follow the link to Media Matters~~~~~~A note from thepalinenigma~~~ The Beck "fantasy show" relies on no facts and lots of sensationalism .His bombast is somewhat familiar! It's loud and mostly hysterical and he's a master at the blame game.I remember as a young Boy in the early forties watching newsreels of the War in Europe and there was another propagandist who with waving arms, sneers and hateful rhetoric would attempt to justify the barbaric actions of his political party.( And he was very successful )The goal was simply to paint his opponents as a ghoulish enemy with no morals . The end result was the near destruction of an entire Race of human beings.It was achieved by destroying their ability to earn a living, isolating them from friends and neighbors, taking away all possessions,homes,business's and jobs ! There's a pattern and if you compare Beck and that monster from the forties,you'll see the similarities.He's a dangerous individual and much too many people believe his message ! By the way many of the finest people I know are Progressives and Republicans some are devoutly Christian ( Not fanatically Christian ) And others come from many backgrounds and Religions .They do not judge falsely,they respect and love neighbors,they are faithful to their wives and family,charitable to those less fortunate,and they respect the right of others to pursue the American Dream ; "You know them" they are your neighbors and friends.Don't let these phonies like Beck fill your head with lies and contempt ! No matter what your political philosophy ,look for the truth without these hate mongers.Work together for a better America .At this stage of our history a choice has to be made "Love your Neighbor " Or take up the mantle of hate preached by so many.The choice seems simple to me !
Dems Fear Government Shutdown Over Health Care
Dems Fear Government Shutdown Over Health Care~~~~Huffington Post
The Top 11 Corporate Cash Hoarders (PHOTOS)#s226287&title=11_Apple_Computer#s226287&title=11_Apple_Computer#s226287&title=11_Apple_Computer
The Top 11 Corporate Cash Hoarders (PHOTOS)#s226287&title=11_Apple_Computer#s226287&title=11_Apple_Computer#s226287&title=11_Apple_Computer~~~~Huffington Post
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Sometimes I really miss Alan Grayson. Updated.
The Immoral Minority: Sometimes I really miss Alan Grayson. Updated.: "From Hotline on Call: 'Even before I heard earlier Palin's whining about 'misguided finger-pointing' and 'irresponsible statements from peo..."
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Public Policy Polling- Democrats slamming “enthusiasm gap” shut
Public Policy Polling- Democrats slamming “enthusiasm gap” shut~~~~~~ From The Political Carnival
Monday, January 17, 2011
The Immoral Minority: This is the way Fox News celebrates MLK day. Class...
The Immoral Minority: This is the way Fox News celebrates MLK day. Class...: "What a bunch of assholes. By the way I will be tweeting Palin's nervous breakdown on Hannity tonight. (Click here for updates.) Thou..."
Krugman: The GOP’s Logic-Killing Arguments
Krugman: The GOP’s Logic-Killing Arguments Veterens Today
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Bruce Reed, Social Security Foe and DLC Chief, Named As Biden's New Chief of Staff | Crooks and Liars
Bruce Reed, Social Security Foe and DLC Chief, Named As Biden's New Chief of Staff Crooks and Liars```````````````A note from ~~~~thepalinenigma~~~Do we have to fear a Democratic intrusion into Social Security
The Glenn Beck Review: Mediaite's Bershad turns two blind eyes toward Bec...
The Glenn Beck Review: Mediaite's Bershad turns two blind eyes toward Beck...: "Home Disclaimer Contents For Glenn Beck Share This URL Glenn Beck probably receives no greater attention on a daily bases than he does ..."~~~~~~~~~A note from thepalinenigma Beck who is a blight on humanity gets a pass and much too much approval from a Media that has forsaken the average American .We're fed up with the lies and distortion of the truth! The mainstream media forgets which side it's bread is buttered on ! The Americans I know and trust are in the majority ! They might have a gun or two but they don't have to carry it around in a holster as a threat .They certainly don't have to hide behind the second amendment and threaten to overthrow the Govt. They gather peaceably to reach an agreement with each other , They certainly don't step on a woman's head or handcuff a reporter because their politics differ.The people who commit these and so many more acts of violence , hateful rhetoric and a show of armed force are themselves trampling on the Constitution they claim to revere. Free speech as many have noted lately has boundaries , unspoken but understood by rational citizens.It's time to take back our Country not with force but with Dollars ,Seek out the supporters of these despicable tyrants and boycott what they sell us ! They are beyond rational requests to tone it down , They answer by cranking it up. It's obvious they have nothing but contempt for us ! So let's show our contempt for them ! Starve them into submission , Vote them out ,Become vocal , Start making phone call's to protest the Politicians that abuse and ignore the law and worse the ones who ignore us ! We can do this with dignity and without violence it's easy and it's the American way ! Please read the Glenn Beck Review !" Follow the link above" Get mad and get active !
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
A Message To Sarah Palin from Media Matters CEO David Brock
A Message To Sarah Palin from <em>Media Matters</em> CEO David Brock~~~~~~~~~~A note from thepalinenigmaThank you Mr Brock for speaking for me and a host of others ! Keep it coming.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Palin's Other Arizona 'Targets'
Palin's Other Arizona 'Targets'`````The Daily Beast
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
It would be nice if Sarah Palin could take back her Target!
Wouldn't it be nice if Palin could take her gun sight target back ! But it's too late Sarah your damage is done.Now will you sit the hell down and shut up !You call yourself a Christian ? I think not.If anything your Personal religion is destruction ,your not worth anymore of my time.By the way deleting the map wont bring back the Lovely woman you had in your cross hairs.
Repeal health care? Give up your own first!
Repeal health care? Give up your own first!~~~~Politicus USA
Blue Gal: Pelosi and Boehner as Madonna and Child (photoshop...
Blue Gal: Pelosi and Boehner as Madonna and Child (photoshop...: "Click image for larger version I never liked her apparent willingness to let the Bishops write health policy, but I swear, every day he's..."
Matt Taibbi: The Crying Shame of John Boehner
Matt Taibbi: The Crying Shame of John Boehner~~~~~ A Post from Veterans Today~~~A note from thepalinenigma~~~Read this and weep~~~This is the kind of politician we have to put up with and from who we can expect nothing of value except more hardship and grief.We need a party of Americans with values not these pseudo Politico's who scheme with Big Business and whoever has a buck to add to a relection fund (OR maybe a pocket)It's Obscene and a blight on The Constitution they so often quote.
Friday, January 7, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Alaska writer obliterates credibility of "Sarah Pa...
The Immoral Minority: Alaska writer obliterates credibility of "Sarah Pa...: "From USA Today: From the opening credits, Palin's not actually leading, as the show's stirring theme song (Follow Me There) suggests. Inste..."
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Dick Morris Thinks Shutting Down the Government to Repeal Health Care Bill is a Great Idea | Video Cafe
Dick Morris Thinks Shutting Down the Government to Repeal Health Care Bill is a Great Idea Video Cafe~~~~Another brilliant idea from the party of destruction~~Shut down the Government and cause another Great depression ,which is without a doubt what would happen.Read this well written report from Crooks and Liars~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Rolling Stone Magazine slaps the crocodile tears f...
The Immoral Minority: Rolling Stone Magazine slaps the crocodile tears f...: "From Rolling Stone: The anger of Tea Partiers like Littleton erupted when they suddenly realized that their elected leaders in Congress had..."
Words To Remember: 'We Won't Pay For Their Crisis' | Crooks and Liars
Words To Remember: 'We Won't Pay For Their Crisis' Crooks and Liars~~~A note from thepalinenigma~~~The GOP started this crisis "Let them pay for it " They spout the same old story "Let the working man suffer and protect the rich " Well the hell with that ! Let the party that started the wars and lied about it pay, along with all the fat cats who profited from the wars and schemes.Tax breaks for the rich and break the backs of the working man !
New GOP rep: Sick kids shouldn't get health insurance
New GOP rep: Sick kids shouldn't get health insurance~~~~~From THE DAILY KOS~~~~Kinda sounds like a Republican Death Panel Except this is the real thing Compassionate Bastards those GOPers!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Let's take a trip in the "Way Back Machine" and re...
The Immoral Minority: Let's take a trip in the "Way Back Machine" and re...: "That is how the Grizzled Mama responds to off the cuff to questions about energy, and let's face it, pretty much anything else. She ..."
Connecticut professors start website for rich to give back tax cuts
Connecticut professors start website for rich to give back tax cuts~~~The Political Carnival~~~~~~A note from thepalinenigma I came across this Dec. Post from the Political Carnival and I have to wonder how that worked out for those Profs who wanted to talk Conservatives into a chartitable act? I had a great laugh !
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
The Immoral Minority: THIS is the guy who will be launching investigatio...
The Immoral Minority: THIS is the guy who will be launching investigatio...: "From The Washington Post: REP. DARRELL ISSA (R-Calif.), incoming chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, says he m..."
Whiners = Repugnants
Now the Repugnants are upset over a need to raise the debt limit ? Those tax breaks for the privileged in this Country are going to bite you in the ass.It was raised 6or 7 times during Prince George's rule in America !Did all of you brilliant Politicians (GOP that is) have a lapse of memory?
Monday, January 3, 2011
A Commenter on Politicus USA tells us how to stick it to the misinformed GOP ers
I don't have permission to use his name but I give this commenter on Politicus USA an A + In the face of all the repugnant lies and rhetoric on Fox false news He gave us some ammunition to fire back "Health care reform will be strengthened he says, not repealed "He goes on to say "Everytime you hear a Republican official say that "The American people"don't want this health care reform,call his/her office and say that you object to the rhetoric.Tell them that you are part of the American people, and that you want this reform.Tell them that Deamonte Driver isn't here to voice an opinion,because in 2007 at age 12, he died of a tooth infection when nobody would treat him because he didn't have insurance. Ask them a question such as " How can you vote to repeal health care reform,knowing that doing so will result in the unnecessary deaths of other children in the future ?" Then , study the good points of the health care reform laws , and talk about them with your friends and family. Ask people "Do you think we should repeal health care reform , so that the insurance companies may return to dropping policy holders once they get sick ? " Footnote from thepalinenigma ~~~ It's time everyone who loves his Country starts to become active to preserve our way of life ! Let's not make the mistake of silence in the face of all the lies and false information being fed us thru a media that benefits only itself !
Gay Agenda? Try Fundamentalist Christian Agenda
Gay Agenda? Try Fundamentalist Christian Agenda~~~~~~~If this doesn't shake you out of your seat then you will never stand up for whats right!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Why ?
Why would we elect people who~~~Want no oversight on Business and Industry.No benefits or justice for the poor or the unemployed (Who according to them are just lazy)No help for those who are sick or disabled,A group who would watch a Mother die, A Mother who's life most probably will end in childbirth because she has no choice or the right to make a decision,A group who wants to hold us hostage to inflation thru deregulation,a group who wants to allow companies to price gouge thru monopolies and mergers and put the small guy out of business,But worse why would we subject ourselves to such a group when the ultimate goal is to have control over every aspect of our lives,A group who's main concern is enriching themselves.A group who call themselves conservative but have outspent their opponents time and time again with no regard for the outcome to the Country! This group is spelled REPUBLICAN! I would like someone to tell me why they even exist when all they do is Lie,Deceive and talk of Gloom and Doom and War ? I just don't get it!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
palingates ~~~~A note from thepalinenigma~~~~ The year 's summary of Palin and Palingates Quest to expose Sarah for who she really is (And it's exactly the opposite of her self portrait)This is the true face of Palin! Read it and learn the truth that the Main stream media is afraid to publish because they don't want to lose the cash cow.She's almost old news , and it wont be long until they start publishing the truth about her!
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