A look at everything Palin and some sleazy stuff about the GOP ---This Blog is a compilation of Web information about Palin and The Right Wing effort to take over this Country for their Corporate Masters---It's not for profit or personal gain
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Team Sarah decides to fight back against the negat...
The Immoral Minority: Team Sarah decides to fight back against the negat...: "Once again courtesy of my spy in Team Sarah, RAM ... Becky ...some woman whose name I cannot share. A message to all members of Team Sar..."
Michele Bachmann Is A National Disgrace
Michele Bachmann Is A National Disgrace~~~~politicususa~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Keith Olbermann delivers more bad news to Bristol ...
The Immoral Minority: Keith Olbermann delivers more bad news to Bristol ...: "Ge now Bristol has something ELSE in common with her mother besides a vindictive personality, being famous for no good reason, and emascula..."
Mark Halperin SUSPENDED For Obama 'D*ck' Comment (VIDEO)
Mark Halperin SUSPENDED For Obama 'D*ck' Comment (VIDEO)~~~~huffingtonpost~~~~
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Palin Celebrity Fades As Few Show Up At Mall Of America Book Signing
Palin Celebrity Fades As Few Show Up At Mall Of America Book Signing~~~~politicususa~~~~
Monday, June 27, 2011
VIDEO: Michele Bachmann’s presidential announcement included some laughably fuzzy math
VIDEO: Michele Bachmann’s presidential announcement included some laughably fuzzy math~~~~thepoliticalcarnival.net~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Leah Burton explores the Seven Mountains Mandate. ...
The Immoral Minority: Leah Burton explores the Seven Mountains Mandate. ...: "From Politicususa : Last week I wrote an article here at PoliticusUSA introducing the Christian Dominionist Movement. First, let me say th..."
palingates: Sarah Palin, the exceptional
palingates: Sarah Palin, the exceptional: "Sarah Palin goes on an on about American exceptionalism. The word exceptional can have opposite meanings: What's so exceptional about Sar..."
The Un-American Agenda of the US Chamber of Commerce
The Un-American Agenda of the US Chamber of Commerce~~~~politicususa~~~~
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Blue Jersey:: Anti-Labor on NBC, Labor on MSNBC
Blue Jersey:: Anti-Labor on NBC, Labor on MSNBC~~~~bluejersey.com~~~~
Better Know a Betrayer!
Better Know a Betrayer!~~~~bluejersey.com~~~~We will never forget!!It's time to dig up some loyal Dems.~~~~
GOP Blew Up Debt Negotiations To Protect Tax Breaks For People Making $500,000 Or More
GOP Blew Up Debt Negotiations To Protect Tax Breaks For People Making $500,000 Or More: "pYesterday House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) may well have doomed negotiations to raise the nation’s debt limit when they walked out over a dispute with Democrats about raising revenues. Their theatrics bring the country closer to the brink of financial collapse, and observers have described the move as a [...]/p"~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Morgan Pehme: Pulling the Trigger: U.S. Supreme Court Threatens Campaign Finance Reform in NYC
Morgan Pehme: Pulling the Trigger: U.S. Supreme Court Threatens Campaign Finance Reform in NYC~~~~huffingtonpost.com~~~~
Political Animal - Reaping what they’ve sown
Political Animal - Reaping what they've sown~~~~washingtonmonthly.com~~~~A note from the palinenigma I believe we can expect ramifications from all sections of the Nation as the stupidity of extreme right wing management comes to fruition. Extremism is a blight on everyone and a Country can't survive without agreement.The Republicans are driving us to ruin with every new law they enact. The attempt to turn this Democracy into a Corporate venture is choking the life out of the middle class ! It's been proven in NJ there are Democrats that we cant' trust to follow the party line.It's time to clean house and start over with a party dedicated to serving it's Citizens.We better do it fast ! The rise and fall of The United States is close at hand.
Boehner Bungles Libya Vote, Defunding Defeated in House
Boehner Bungles Libya Vote, Defunding Defeated in House~~~~firedoglake.com~~~~
Amen Brother, pass the pillar of salt…
Amen Brother, pass the pillar of salt…~~~~veteranstoday.com~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Stephen Colbert fears the idea of America continui...
The Immoral Minority: Stephen Colbert fears the idea of America continui...: "The Colbert Report Tags: Colbert Report Full Episodes , Political Humor & Satire Blog , Video Archive Check out whose pictures he uses to i..."
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Alaska Veteran Denounces MSM As Sarah Palin Fan Club
Alaska Veteran Denounces MSM As Sarah Palin Fan Club~~~~politicususa~~~~
We can’t make these things up - Anchorage Press: : sarah palin, 2012, andrew halcro,
We can’t make these things up - Anchorage Press: : sarah palin, 2012, andrew halcro,: "On the morning of April 18, 2006, I sat in the Hotel Captain
Cook coffee shop with Sarah Palin comparing campaign trail notes.
Yes, there was …"
Cook coffee shop with Sarah Palin comparing campaign trail notes.
Yes, there was …"
Sarah Scrubs Summer Plans because of JURY DUTY???
Sarah Scrubs Summer Plans because of JURY DUTY???~~~~joemcginniss.net~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Finally! Levi's attorney answers charges of rape m...
The Immoral Minority: Finally! Levi's attorney answers charges of rape m...: "Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch : Johnston attorney Rex Butler disagreed with the part of the story that has Bristol so drunk she didn't know ..."
It's time for Clarence Thomas to resign.
It's time for Clarence Thomas to resign.~~~~credoaction.com~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Lawrence O'Donnell drives a stake through the hear...
The Immoral Minority: Lawrence O'Donnell drives a stake through the hear...: "Visit msnbc.com for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy So essentially Lawrence O'Donnell, and Jonathon Capehart, are s..."
Obama: ‘America, It Is Time To Focus On Nation Building Here At Home’
Obama: ‘America, It Is Time To Focus On Nation Building Here At Home’: "pIn his speech tonight announcing that the U.S. will withdraw 33,000 troops from Afghanistan by the end of next summer, President Obama cited the financial burden of ten years of war there as part of his reasoning for beginning to end the war: OBAMA: Above all, we are a nation whose strength abroad has been [...]/p"~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Blue Jersey:: The $25-from-every-New-Jerseyan-for-Xanadu bill and what else to watch for this week
Blue Jersey:: The $25-from-every-New-Jerseyan-for-Xanadu bill and what else to watch for this week~~~~A note from the palinenigma~~~~What happened to that faux indignation of Christie's about wasting taxpayer money and money the State didn't have? Xandu Really ?
Benefits "Reform" - What's In It For You?
Benefits "Reform" - What's In It For You?~~~~bluejersey.com~~~~The only person who gets anything out of this is Christie and thats the "Shame of his actions for his Corporate Masters"
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Blue Jersey:: Some of the People Who Work for You in NJ
Blue Jersey:: Some of the People Who Work for You in NJ~~~~The palinenigma says P U to Christy and his henchmen what goes around comes around~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Sarah Palin responds to reports that she quit One ...
The Immoral Minority: Sarah Palin responds to reports that she quit One ...: "On Twitter of course: This is the Fox report which Palin links to in the tweet. So essentially Sister Sarah doesn't say she did NOT qu..."
Gingrich Blames Campaign Implosion On Media: I Was The Most ‘Dangerous’ Candidate
Gingrich Blames Campaign Implosion On Media: I Was The Most ‘Dangerous’ Candidate: "pOn conservative radio host Neil Boortz’ show this morning, presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich concocted an almost endearingly farcical explanation for his campaign’s latest woes, saying the media targeted him because he was best-positioned to beat President Obama. The media desperately wants to reelect President Obama, Gingirich said, and thus he was their “worst nightmare.” “I [...]/p"~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
The Antecedents of American Fundamentalism 1606-1925
The Antecedents of American Fundamentalism 1606-1925~~~~politicususa~~~~
Sarah Palin Quits Again - Goes Back to Alaska
Sarah Palin Quits Again - Goes Back to Alaska~~~~politicususa~~~~
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
GOP Agenda: Controlling the Means of (Re)Production
GOP Agenda: Controlling the Means of (Re)Production~~~~politicususa~~~~
Bristol Palin Trash Talks Meghan McCain
Bristol Palin Trash Talks Meghan McCain~~~~gawker~~~~
GOP Is So Unpopular That Even Tea-Baggers Are Now Dunking Them
GOP Is So Unpopular That Even Tea-Baggers Are Now Dunking Them~~~~lynnrockets.wordpress.com
Stop Alaska's Road to Ruin
Stop Alaska's Road to Ruin~~~~biologicaldiversity.org~~~~
Republicans in Wisconsin Legislature may try to make recalls harder
Republicans in Wisconsin Legislature may try to make recalls harder~~~~thepoliticalcarnival.net~~~~
Texas TSA 'Groping' Bill Would Criminalize 'Enhanced Pat-Downs'
Texas TSA 'Groping' Bill Would Criminalize 'Enhanced Pat-Downs'~~~~huffingtonpost.com~~~~
Monday, June 20, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Another excellent review of Geoffrey Dunn's book "...
The Immoral Minority: Another excellent review of Geoffrey Dunn's book "...: "From OpEd News : Despite the title of the book, to his credit as a journalist, it must be said that this author tried vainly to give a bal..."
A Desperate Rick Scott Astroturfs His Own Fan Mail
A Desperate Rick Scott Astroturfs His Own Fan Mail~~~~politicususa~~~~
palingates: Give money to Sarah Palin and meet the quitter CEO...
palingates: Give money to Sarah Palin and meet the quitter CEO...: "Yours for $100! Sarah Palin has a propaganda 'documentary' coming out and she wants money, money, money! A begging letter was sent out b..."
The Sea O'Pee is so desperate to defend their queen that they are willing to take a sucker's bet. Well, almost.
The Sea O'Pee is so desperate to defend their queen that they are willing to take a sucker's bet. Well, almost.~~~~theimmoralminority.blogspot.com~~~~
Rick Perry - the Lonestar Grifter
Rick Perry - the Lonestar Grifter~~~~politicususa~~~~
Israeli Defense Chief To Dagan For Calling Iran Strike Stupid: Keep Opinions About Iran Attack To Yourself
Israeli Defense Chief To Dagan For Calling Iran Strike Stupid: Keep Opinions About Iran Attack To Yourself: "p Much has been made of a growing split between Israel’s security elite and government politicians following retired Mossad Chief Meir Dagan’s comments that an Israeli attack on Iran is “the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard.” But those factions in the Israeli government who favor keeping the a military strike “on the table” hit back [...]/p"~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Texas Fracking Bill: State Becomes First To Require Public Disclosure Of Chemicals
Texas Fracking Bill: State Becomes First To Require Public Disclosure Of Chemicals~~~~huffingtonpost.com~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Chris Wallace tries to convince Jon Stewart that F...
The Immoral Minority: Chris Wallace tries to convince Jon Stewart that F...: "Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com Jon Stewart to Chris Wallace: 'You're insane!'"
Sunday, June 19, 2011
VIDEO: NH GOP Chairman Says U.S. Military Deaths Will Be ‘Completely In Vain’ If Obama Is Reelected
VIDEO: NH GOP Chairman Says U.S. Military Deaths Will Be ‘Completely In Vain’ If Obama Is Reelected: "pNew Hampshire Republicans caused a stir earlier this year when they elected Jack Kimball, a far right Tea Party politician, as the new party chairman. Since his election, Kimball’s extreme views have been eclipsed by Republicans in the legislature, who have spent the past months slashing funding for healthcare, education, and other radical right priorities. [...]/p"
Democrats fight part of bill
Democrats fight part of bill~~~~~~Christie's agenda is obviously not to please the voters but for the RICH ,He will make them RICHER and in return they will take care of him. He's not a man of or for the people ! It seems that bombast and rudeness does appeal to some.You get what you vote for !!!!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
The Religious Right Defends The Rapist's Right To Rape
The Religious Right Defends The Rapist's Right To Rape~~~~politicususa~~~~
The Immoral Minority: The Anchorage Daily News links to my Jeremy Morloc...
The Immoral Minority: The Anchorage Daily News links to my Jeremy Morloc...: "Courtesy of ADN : Jeremy Morlock, the Washington-based soldier from Wasilla who has pleaded guilty to the murder of Afghan civilians, once..."
The Immoral Minority: The Anchorage Daily News links to my Jeremy Morloc...
The Immoral Minority: The Anchorage Daily News links to my Jeremy Morloc...: "Courtesy of ADN : Jeremy Morlock, the Washington-based soldier from Wasilla who has pleaded guilty to the murder of Afghan civilians, once..."
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Birtherism is Alive and Well on World Net Daily
Birtherism is Alive and Well on World Net Daily~~~~politicususa~~~~
N.J. pension reform deal reached between Christie and 4 top lawmakers in Trenton | NJ.com
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Is "Babygate" about to burst onto the national sta...
The Immoral Minority: Is "Babygate" about to burst onto the national sta...: "The above is a flyer that Professor Scharlott made and sent to me yesterday. Of course the information that Brad is referring to came from ..."
Blind Allegiance of Sharon Leighow and Sean Parnell to Sarah Palin
Blind Allegiance of Sharon Leighow and Sean Parnell to Sarah Palin~~~~malialitmanwordpress.com~~~~
Social Security Won't Be Bankrupted by Boomers' Retirement - AARP Bulletin
Social Security Won't Be Bankrupted by Boomers' Retirement - AARP Bulletin ~By James Roosevelt Jr. The authors Grandfather was Franklin D Roosevelt
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Caren Z. Turner: Bully and the Bully Pulpit
Caren Z. Turner: Bully and the Bully Pulpit~~~~huffingtonpost.com~~~~A note from thepalinenigma~~~~Bullies of any age are unacceptable ! The GOP seems to have an overload of these bullying thugs. They erupted like vomit on the American scene with an armload of hatred for anything and everything they deem not conservative .What they consider conservative however is akin to fascism and the only thing missing are the jackboots.The lies get bigger and bolder every day,which brings me to Social Security ,It's the GOPs lie of the century a misguided masterpiece of deception.The best editorial I've read to date comes from AARPs James Roosevelt Jr.The authors Grandfather was Franklin D. Roosevelt Read "Social Security's Enduring Truths it's the Post above this.
THE ROGUE BLOG JOE McGINNISS~~~~New info on Sarahs" Pregnancy "~~~~
Monday, June 13, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Andrew Sullivan thinks it odd that a woman in the ...
The Immoral Minority: Andrew Sullivan thinks it odd that a woman in the ...: "From the Daily Beast : Despite Palin's own account of desperation for the child's safety overwhelming her, she was cool as a cucumber. We ..."
Michele Bachmann’s Generational Politics
Michele Bachmann’s Generational Politics: "pThere’s lots of interest in Michele Bachmann’s interview with the WSJ editorial page’s Stephen Moore, but what I think’s particularly interesting about it is that part of Bachmann positioning herself as the rightmost candidate in the field is that she wants to practice incredibly savage generational warfare: Her big challenge is whether the country is [...]/p"~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Home | New Progressive Alliance
Home New Progressive Alliance~~~~A really interesting way to be a Progressive~~~~
Journalists Arrested, Charged With Disorderly Conduct for Filming In Wisconsin Capitol | Crooks and Liars
Journalists Arrested, Charged With Disorderly Conduct for Filming In Wisconsin Capitol Crooks and Liars~~~~A note from the palinenigma~~~~I've made reference in the past to the similarities between the harsh treatment the GOP and The tea Party use's against anyone they perceive as the enemy and that of the dictators of the thirties .The abuse of reporters,the singling out of anyone who might disagree,the use of private security to intimidate ,the use of police they can control and who do the dirty work,closed meetings, all questions at these meeting's must be pre approved, an effort to eliminate the weakest in society for instance, The Poor (Adults and Children) along with the Elderly and the most ill of our citizens ,Their method is to reduce or eliminate the benefits that provide lifesaving care. The BIG lie is they are saving the Country with these thrifty cutbacks,The truth is they want to pay homage to the Corporate Masters that they so revere by giving them huge Tax breaks they do this to break the back and the will of the American worker by keeping Him and Her poor.They are bent on silencing the truth ,the media is one of the corporate masters of this group and they print the lies as truth . It's impossible to go one day without reading a new batch of right wing fabrications and distortions,lurking in the background is their real plan of destruction.Elected on a platform of lies they have finally shown the true agenda It's not the American way and as a matter of fact it's un American ! All anybody wants is a fair shake and the GOP and the religious right is slowing introducing not only a dictatorship but a Theocracy that has already shown itself as a brutal enemy of Women and anyone they deem as unfit to live in their society.The inquisition's of the dark age of the Church is a forerunner of whats to come! They intend to subjugate the population and use force if necessary to accept their brand of religion.If someone had told me what was going on in Govt. before it became so obvious I would have said it cant happen in this Country Well I'm sure everyone has heard the phrase "Never say never"Keep that thought in mind!
Tennessee - Legislating Stupidity a County at a Time
Tennessee - Legislating Stupidity a County at a Time~~~~politicususa~~~~
Friday, June 10, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Proof of Frank Bailey's allegation that Palin had ...
The Immoral Minority: Proof of Frank Bailey's allegation that Palin had ...: "In my opinion one of the most interesting things that Frank Bailey revealed in his book was that Sarah Palin, and others on her staff, wrot..."
The Immoral Minority: Laura Novak and Professor Scharlott have very inte...
The Immoral Minority: Laura Novak and Professor Scharlott have very inte...: "From Laura's blog : LN: As I wrote in the previous post, I tried to contact everyone involved in these photos with the exception of the u..."
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Time for an update on Gabby Giffords progress.
The Immoral Minority: Time for an update on Gabby Giffords progress.: "Courtesy of AZ Central : Pia Carusone knew the day would come when the questions about her boss, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, would become mor..."
The Immoral Minority: Methinks the Palin-bots are freaking out!
The Immoral Minority: Methinks the Palin-bots are freaking out!: "This is an ACTUAL e-mail that one of my readers just forwarded to me. Subject: Mama Grizzlies In Action for American Values To: (Name r..."
Newt Gingrich 2012 Senior Campaign Aides Resign En Masse
Newt Gingrich 2012 Senior Campaign Aides Resign En Masse~~~~huffingtonpost.com~~~~
http://malialitman.wordpress.com/ Reveres ride over Sarah Palin~~~~
The Immoral Minority: The REAL purpose of Sarah Palin's ridiculous bus t...
The Immoral Minority: The REAL purpose of Sarah Palin's ridiculous bus t...: "As many of us predicted the entire thing was staged as a publicity scheme to get attention and coax more money out of her paint chip eating..."
The Immoral Minority: More on the civil lawsuit against Sarah Palin, and...
The Immoral Minority: More on the civil lawsuit against Sarah Palin, and...: "Yesterday I posted about this lawsuit , and one of the questions all of us had was WHY it was moved to the Federal court instead of being le..."
Tell your Senator: Stop dangerous Fracking
Tell your Senator: Stop dangerous Fracking~~~Sign the Petition to stop this dangerous and life threating practice~~~~Another of the GOP's sneaky back door killers !~~~~
Homeless feeding: 3 members of Orlando Food Not Bombs arrested for feeding homeless at Lake Eola - Orlando Sentinel
Homeless feeding: 3 members of Orlando Food Not Bombs arrested for feeding homeless at Lake Eola - Orlando Sentinel~~~~The palininigma is speechless over this one ?
Gov. Christie publicly criticizes Justice Barry Albin over Abbott v. Burke - Video | NJ.com
Gov. Christie publicly criticizes Justice Barry Albin over Abbott v. Burke - Video NJ.com~~~~A note from the palinenigma~~~~Watch this video and judge for your self if this guy Christie is the biggest blowhard you've ever tried not to listen to ? Someone should inform him that his political sitting Judge buddies in the US Supreme Court are playing politics in a very dangerous way ;Of course I'm sure he has nothing to say about that. Phew!
The Immoral Minority: Gryphen gets e-mail.
The Immoral Minority: Gryphen gets e-mail.: "So I went over and checked the old inbox today and read through many of your tips, supportive words, and suggestions for future posts, and ..."
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Part 1 Of ‘The Sissy Boy Experiment’: The Consequences Of Ex-Gay Therapy
Part 1 Of ‘The Sissy Boy Experiment’: The Consequences Of Ex-Gay Therapy: "pTonight, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 aired the first part of a three-part series called, “The Sissy Boy Experiment,” examining the effects of government-funded gender-normalizing therapy on a five-year old boy named Kirk Murphy in 1970. The therapy was carried out by disgraced Family Research Council co-founder George Rekers, whose three decade career in the conservative [...]/p"
Part 2 Of ‘The Sissy Boy Experiment’: Ex-Gay Proponent Confronted With Kirk’s Suicide
Part 2 Of ‘The Sissy Boy Experiment’: Ex-Gay Proponent Confronted With Kirk’s Suicide: "pTonight, CNN aired the second part of ‘The Sissy Boy Experiment,’ a series examining the effects of a government-funded gender-normalizing therapy on a five-year old gay boy named Kirk Murphy in 1970. Kirk’s family believes that the dangerous therapy, which required Kirk’s father to beat him for displaying feminine behavior, contributed to Kirk’s suicide at [...]/p"
They made their bed, but they don't want to lie in it.
They made their bed, but they don't want to lie in it.~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Dem Rep. asks Park Service if Sarah Palin received special — and expensive — treatment
Dem Rep. asks Park Service if Sarah Palin received special — and expensive — treatment~~~~thepoliticalcarnival.net~~~~
Michelle Rhee's Handiwork: Florida Diplomas For Sale And Much More | Crooks and Liars
Monday, June 6, 2011
The Immoral Minority: I think that Sarah Palin's next trip to pick up he...
The Immoral Minority: I think that Sarah Palin's next trip to pick up he...: "I received this in my e-mail earlier today from a fan of IM. So when was the last time YOU heard of a person being taken seriously as Pre..."
Republicans Declare War on the Infants They Claim to Save
Republicans Declare War on the Infants They Claim to Save~~~~politicususa~~~~
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Boehner Spokesman: Auto Industry Revival Is ‘Nothing To Celebrate’
Boehner Spokesman: Auto Industry Revival Is ‘Nothing To Celebrate’: "pLast week, the Obama administration announced that Fiat has agreed to buy the final government share in Chrysler, officially completing that company’s trip through federally managed bankruptcy. The U.S. losses from the auto industry rescue, according to the latest projections, will be much lower than estimates showed over the last few years. In the first [...]/p"
James Hansen slams Keystone XL Canada-U.S. Pipeline: “Exploitation of tar sands would make it implausible to stabilize climate and avoid disastrous global climate impacts”
James Hansen slams Keystone XL Canada-U.S. Pipeline: “Exploitation of tar sands would make it implausible to stabilize climate and avoid disastrous global climate impacts”: "pX-axis is the range of potential resource in billions of barrels. Y-axis is grams of Carbon per MegaJoule of final fuel. The Canadian tar sands are substantially dirtier than conventional oil as the chart above shows (longer analysis here). They may contain enough carbon-intensive fuel to make stabilizing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide at non-catastrophic [...]/p"
As Walkerville Goes Up, Questions Surround Origin of Walker’s Anti Union Bill
As Walkerville Goes Up, Questions Surround Origin of Walker’s Anti Union Bill~~~~politicususa~~~~
Nominal GDP Impact Of A Debt Freeze
Nominal GDP Impact Of A Debt Freeze: "pPart of the background of the debt ceiling hostage fight is that raising the debt ceiling polls quite poorly. But as my colleagues Michael Ettlinger and Michael Linden note, the consequences of a random debt freeze would be quite dire even leaving the risk of a total financial system meltdown out of it: To see [...]/p"
Getting Generic Drugs Approved For Use
Getting Generic Drugs Approved For Use: "pPatent protections for prescription drugs make getting medicine much, much more expensive than it needs to be. This particularly rankles some because at the end of the day an awful lot of the basic research that goes into pharmaceuticals is publicly financed. But even as I’ve become more hostile to strong intellectual property protections in [...]/p"
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Blue Gal: Open Letter to the DSCC
Blue Gal: Open Letter to the DSCC: "Dear 'Joe Biden' and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee: I am in receipt of your letter dated May 23, 2011, 9:03 a.m. Wow, w..."
Friday, June 3, 2011
House GOP: Cut Medicare Or The Economy Gets It | Crooks and Liars
House GOP: Cut Medicare Or The Economy Gets It Crooks and Liars~~~~A rant from thepalininigma~~~~ To say the GOP is guilty of Treason puts it lightly ,we must show these Republican Bastards we don't want them in office !They are beyond Disgusting .The US must be returned to a Country that cares for People of every Race and Creed.One that helps Care for our Poor and Seniors.They are plainly demented , warped individuals . Our President must not bend to this Thuggery and blackmail !If someone was held hostage it would be a criminal offense ; If they killed the hostage they would be guilty of Murder.Plain and simple if these hostage takers get what they ask for and Medicare is changed and Medicade is eliminated it will be MURDER,many of these Criminal GOP officeholders have already changed Laws that have Killed and will continue to kill in the future.The GOP wants to bring this Country to it's Knees to worship a fundamentalist cult ! It's time they got on their knees and asked for forgiveness for Crimes against Humanity and for All the Dead sacrificed in Wars based on lies .They have a lot to answer for and I wonder if they will ever face Judgement from the Courts and the Americans they've sentenced to poverty because of a lack of interest in the job they were elected to do? I do know they will be held accountable and judged by God .We need something to be done NOW !! VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE IN EVERY UPCOMING ELECTION ! Dont be fooled by phony Videos and commercials ! They mean us NO GOOD
May Cable News Ratings: Fox News Gets Stomped
May Cable News Ratings: Fox News Gets Stomped~~~~dailykos.com~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Sarah Palin's "One Nation" bus tour is not only po...
The Immoral Minority: Sarah Palin's "One Nation" bus tour is not only po...: " Sarah Palin hands out autographed copies of the Constitution. Hoping that somebody will explain it to her. Courtesy of Politico : ..."
Secret Tape Reveals Wisconsin GOP Plan to Hijack Recall Election
Secret Tape Reveals Wisconsin GOP Plan to Hijack Recall Election~~~~politcususa~~~~A note from the palinenigma~~~~I would expect that we've only seen the tip of the iceberg with the sleaze bag GOP effort to ruin the Country ! A group with no morals will stoop to any level to achieve it's dark and unholy plans ! They fulfilled a prophecy by Sinclair Lewis They've arrived and they are "Wrapped in a Flag and carrying a Cross" It's The great Deception !
Rand Paul Dangerously Bastardizes The First Amendment
Rand Paul Dangerously Bastardizes The First ~~~~politicususa~~~~
Thursday, June 2, 2011
MANY OF BOEHNER’S ECONOMISTS ARE REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS: "pAn analysis by the Huffington Post finds a cadre of economists — termed “robo-signers for GOP economic policy” — who are repeatedly trotted out by House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) to sign letters of approval for Republican supply-side policies. The latest pro-GOP economist letter, which voices support for tying spending cuts to raising the [...]/p"
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Rand Paul, Supposed Defender Of Civil Liberties, Calls For Jailing People Who Attend ‘Radical Political Speeches’
Rand Paul, Supposed Defender Of Civil Liberties, Calls For Jailing People Who Attend ‘Radical Political Speeches’: "pLibertarian-leaning Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) made headlines last week for single-handedly obstructing the renewal of the Patriot Act, calling the law an unconstitutional infringement on civil liberties. His demand to insert a series of amendments to weaken the law nearly allowed it to lapse and put the country at “risk,” but Paul said it was [...]/p"
The $7 Trillion Lie: Palin Falsely Claims Debt Has Grown More Under Obama Than ‘All Other Presidents Combined’
The $7 Trillion Lie: Palin Falsely Claims Debt Has Grown More Under Obama Than ‘All Other Presidents Combined’: "pSarah Palin, in the only interview she’s granted during her “One Nation” bus tour, claimed that the U.S. federal debt had grown more under Obama than “all those other presidents combined.” Watch it: This is flatly false. When Obama took office the debt stood at $10.6 trillion. After inheriting two wars and the worst economy [...]/p"
BREAKING: Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin Makes History By Signing Into Law Single Payer Health Care
BREAKING: Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin Makes History By Signing Into Law Single Payer Health Care: "pLast month, the Vermont Senate passed legislation, approved earlier by the House, that would establish a single payer health care system in the state. The legislation would make Vermont the first state in the nation to, as Gov. Peter Shumlin (D) said, make health care “a right and not a privilege.” The governor’s office just [...]/p"
With All Due Respect, Disrespect Will Not Solve Our Problems
With All Due Respect, Disrespect Will Not Solve Our Problems~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Did Sarah just redo her exit from the Hyatt Hotel ...
The Immoral Minority: Did Sarah just redo her exit from the Hyatt Hotel ...: "Fast forward to around 1:52 to see a happy, friendly Piper Palin exit through the doors of the Hyatt Hotel after visiting the Statue of Lib..."
Gov Christie arrives at son’s high school baseball game in State Police helicopter
Gov Christie arrives at son’s high school baseball game in State Police helicopter~~~~thepoliticalcarnival~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Sarah Palin continues her whirlwind Teabagger fina...
The Immoral Minority: Sarah Palin continues her whirlwind Teabagger fina...: "Today Sister Sarah and her family visited Ellis Island and the 'Statute' of Liberty . You know I have to say I find myself in agreement ..."
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