Pastor Wants Atheist Registry to Track Atheists like Sex
A look at everything Palin and some sleazy stuff about the GOP ---This Blog is a compilation of Web information about Palin and The Right Wing effort to take over this Country for their Corporate Masters---It's not for profit or personal gain
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Palin Redivivus - Anchorage Press: News
Palin Redivivus - Anchorage Press: News: Let me state at the outset that I once had-and, to a lesser
degree, still do-a certain amount of empathy for Frank Bailey, who
served as Sarah…
degree, still do-a certain amount of empathy for Frank Bailey, who
served as Sarah…
Constituents Chide Freshman Rep. Herrera Beutler For Holding Zero Town Halls During August Recess
Constituents Chide Freshman Rep. Herrera Beutler For Holding Zero Town Halls During August Recess: pFreshman Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) has decided against holding public town halls during the August recess, instead choosing to hold community meetings at coffee shops throughout the district. The coffee meetings, however, have not been publicly listed on Herrera Beutler’s Congressional web site, nor has the schedule been made available for the press. Herrera [...]/p
The Immoral Minority: Rick Perry wants to shrink government until it is ...
The Immoral Minority: Rick Perry wants to shrink government until it is ...: Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Apparently in Rick Perry's America women would be relegated to...
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Four Thoughts About Rick Perry’s Four-Point Health Care Plan
Four Thoughts About Rick Perry’s Four-Point Health Care Plan: pRick Perry’s campaign has laid out a very preliminary outline of his health care proposal. The plan is a boilerplate concoction of GOP “consumer-driven” ideology that seeks to repeal the Affordable Care Act, deregulate the health insurance marketplace, and shift the responsibility of dealing with the health care crisis to the states. Below are Perry’s [...]/
Rick Perry: Extending Private Health Insurance To Everyone Is ‘A Huge Problem’
Rick Perry: Extending Private Health Insurance To Everyone Is ‘A Huge Problem’: pRick Perry took a shot at Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts health care law this morning during his first one-on-one sit down interview with Laura Ingraham. The 2006 measure, which has extended health care coverage to some 98 percent of state residents, is a “huge problem,” Perry predicted, saying that the plan paved the way for Obamacare: [...]/
What Rick Perry’s ‘Vanilla’ Medicaid Record Says About Him
What Rick Perry’s ‘Vanilla’ Medicaid Record Says About Him: pSarah Kliff takes a look at Rick Perry’s record on Medicaid and discovers that aside from a failed 2008 waiver request to “limit the number of beneficiaries and create a new, very sparse benefits plan” — which was too restrictive even for the Bush administration — Perry doesn’t have much to show for his 11 [...]/
New York Times Smacks Down Rep. Darrell Issa’s Demand For A Retraction
New York Times Smacks Down Rep. Darrell Issa’s Demand For A Retraction: pOn Thursday, the New York Times responded to a demand for a retraction from Oversight Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) office regarding a major piece published two weeks ago about Issa’s many conflicts of interest between his congressional work and his vast financial holdings. In the letter, Dean Baquet, the assistant editor of the paper, [...]/
New York Times Smacks Down Rep. Darrell Issa’s Demand For A Retraction
New York Times Smacks Down Rep. Darrell Issa’s Demand For A Retraction: pOn Thursday, the New York Times responded to a demand for a retraction from Oversight Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) office regarding a major piece published two weeks ago about Issa’s many conflicts of interest between his congressional work and his vast financial holdings. In the letter, Dean Baquet, the assistant editor of the paper, [...]/p
The Second Oldest Profession - Lying for Christ
The Second Oldest Profession - Lying for Christ~~~~politicususa~~~~
Court Rules Republicans Who Confiscate Cameras At Town Halls Are Violating 1st Amendment
Court Rules Republicans Who Confiscate Cameras At Town Halls Are Violating 1st
palingates: Small government for the little people
palingates: Small government for the little people: The GOP and a certain undecided political celebrity have this weird mantra about small government and disparage the "Feds" at any g...
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Virginia Kennedy (#4): An Open Letter to President Obama About the Tar Sands Arrest | Firedoglake
Virginia Kennedy (#4): An Open Letter to President Obama About the Tar Sands Arrest Firedoglake~~~~~ A note from the palinenigma~~~~The open letter to President Obama should be read by every American and most importantly ,I hope The President of the United States acts on it.This is surely a tragedy that was unthinkable just a short time ago.
Getting ready for the storm . We live near the coast.Pray everyone stays safe and heeds all the warnings! Back soon,Tom
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Gov. Christie on Hurricane Irene: “From a Flooding Perspective, This Could Be a 100-Year Event.”
Gov. Christie on Hurricane Irene: “From a Flooding Perspective, This Could Be a 100-Year Event.”: pMasters: “Irene is capable of inundating portions of the coast under 10 – 15 feet of water, to the highest storm surge depths ever recorded. I strongly recommend that all residents of the mid-Atlantic and New England coast familiarize themselves with their storm surge risk.” This morning meteorologist and former hurricane hunter Dr. Jeff Masters [...]/p
The Immoral Minority: "Sarah Palin had more talent in her little finger ...
The Immoral Minority: "Sarah Palin had more talent in her little finger ...: Why is it that when anybody simply asks Sarah Palin questions, or brings up her lack of knowledge about things a leader should know, that ...
Poll-itics: Congress numbers can’t get much lower
Poll-itics: Congress numbers can’t get much
Chris Christie Pulls A Romney: Says ‘Climate Change Is Real’ While Vetoing Climate Action
Chris Christie Pulls A Romney: Says ‘Climate Change Is Real’ While Vetoing Climate Action: pGov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) vetoed legislation to preserve New Jersey’s participation in a regional climate program on Friday. As he vetoed the bill (S. 2946) which would have blocked his decision to pull out of the successful Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), Christie announced that he had been convinced by scientists that manmade climate change [...]/p
Colorado Residents Rally Against Big Oil Subsidies In The Face of Massive Cuts to Medicare
Colorado Residents Rally Against Big Oil Subsidies In The Face of Massive Cuts to Medicare: pBy Jessica Goad, Manager of Research and Outreach, Public Lands Project, Center for American Progress. The Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity is bringing its “Running on Empty” tour to Colorado this week, to discuss the “perils of the government regulating the oil industry.” In addition to its pro-polluter message, another of Koch Industries’ front groups has [...]/p
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Denmark Claims The Arctic Seabed, Goes After North Pole
Denmark Claims The Arctic Seabed, Goes After North
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Teabaggers upset that Rep. Maxine Waters told them...
The Immoral Minority: Teabaggers upset that Rep. Maxine Waters told them...: During a speech at Inglewood High School, Rep. Waters said the following: Yeah I know, I loved it too. However the Teabaggers t...
Monday, August 22, 2011
How the Fed Saved the Global Financial System
How the Fed Saved the Global Financial System~~~~politicususa~~~~
Progressive Alaska: Fukushima Radiation Spreads Worldwide and Into Jap...
Progressive Alaska: Fukushima Radiation Spreads Worldwide and Into Jap...: I. CBC reports : The Canadian Food Inspection Agency plans to start testing fish off the coast of British Columbia for the presence of ...
The Immoral Minority: Look out Alaskans! The Russians are coming, the Ru...
The Immoral Minority: Look out Alaskans! The Russians are coming, the Ru...: Courtesy of the Daily Mail : Russia has given the thumbs up to a £60billion project which would see a 65-mile tunnel dug under the Bering ...
Sunday, August 21, 2011
The Immoral Minority: The arrest of Shawn Christy. Was the FBI justifie...
The Immoral Minority: The arrest of Shawn Christy. Was the FBI justifie...: As many of you know Shawn and his father, Craig Christy, were arrested on August 18th. Courtesy of The Daily Beast : But Shawn and Craig...
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Verizon Strike is Over
Verizon Strike is
LD-8 Carl Lewis: Running - with Running Shoes
LD-8 Carl Lewis: Running - with Running
Debunking The Myth Of Free Market Self Regulation
Debunking The Myth Of Free Market Self Regulation~~~~politicususa~~~~
Friday, August 19, 2011
Not Trickling Down: The Percentage Of Americans In Poverty Now Equals China
Not Trickling Down: The Percentage Of Americans In Poverty Now Equals
Michigan Fights Back: Financial Martial Law Heading for Ballot
Michigan Fights Back: Financial Martial Law Heading for
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Denier Rick Perry Takes $11 Million from Big Oil, Then Claims Climate Scientists ‘Manipulated Data’ For Money
Denier Rick Perry Takes $11 Million from Big Oil, Then Claims Climate Scientists ‘Manipulated Data’ For Money: pIf you look up chutzpah in the dictionary, there is a picture of Rick Perry. Perry has received millions of dollars from Big Oil to push its pro-pollution, anti-science agenda: So what does Perry do when a questioner points out that the National Academy of Sciences and observed data utterly disagree with his disinformation on [...]/
Bachmann Says She Can Get Gas Prices Below $2 a Gallon. Is She Planning Another Deep Recession?
Bachmann Says She Can Get Gas Prices Below $2 a Gallon. Is She Planning Another Deep Recession?: pIn July, Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann failed economics 101 by claiming at a campaign rally in South Carolina: “A dollar in 2011 should be the same as a dollar in 1911. A dollar should be worth a dollar.” Bachmann is still skipping classes. At another rally in South Carolina, the Minnesota Congresswoman appeared oblivious [...]/
The State Of Texas’ Children: Low Graduation Rates, High Poverty
The State Of Texas’ Children: Low Graduation Rates, High Poverty: pIn an interview with Bloomberg’s Al Hunt, Education Secretary Arne Duncan had some harsh words for Texas’ education system, in a clear shot at the policies of new presidential contender Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX). “Far too few of their high school graduates are actually prepared to go on to college,” Duncan said. “I feel very, [...]/
The Real Vacation Outrage: The U.S. Is The Only Developed Country Where Citizens Aren’t Guaranteed Paid Vacation
The Real Vacation Outrage: The U.S. Is The Only Developed Country Where Citizens Aren’t Guaranteed Paid Vacation: pMany political pundits and conservative politicians have seized the opportunity to criticize President Obama’s planned vacation in Martha’s Vineyard. Former Massachussetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) said he wouldn’t be doing the same if he were president, and the political paper Politico even consulted a group of “political strategists” to compile a list of less politically [...]/
Rep. Patrick McHenry Challenged By Town Hall Crowd On Failure To Create Jobs, End The Wars
Rep. Patrick McHenry Challenged By Town Hall Crowd On Failure To Create Jobs, End The
As Perry Touts His Military Service, His Voter ID Law Restricts Veterans From Voting
As Perry Touts His Military Service, His Voter ID Law Restricts Veterans From Voting: "pGov. Rick Perry (R-TX) has been playing the “vet card” on the campaign trail, claiming military men and women would prefer to have one of their own as president over someone who has “never served a day in the military.” Perry went even further and criticized Obama’s “decision” not to serve in the military, saying, [...]/p"
Missouri School Sued For Allegedly Making Special Ed Student Write Apology Letter To Her Rapist
Missouri School Sued For Allegedly Making Special Ed Student Write Apology Letter To Her Rapist: pIn one of the most brazen examples of “blaming the victim” in recent memory, a school in Springfield, Missouri, has, according to a lawsuit, not only dismissed the rape claims of a seventh grade special education student, but also forced the girl to write and hand-deliver an apology letter to her alleged attacker. The lawsuit [...]/
VIDEO: Corporate Lobbyist Concedes He Does Not Always Register As A Lobbyist For ALEC Bills He Helps Write
VIDEO: Corporate Lobbyist Concedes He Does Not Always Register As A Lobbyist For ALEC Bills He Helps Write: pThe American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is a nonprofit that touts itself as a “Jeffersonian” limited government organization for state lawmakers. In reality, the group is little more than a sophisticated front group that allows corporate lobbyists — from companies like Peabody Coal, McDonalds, AT&T, and others — to literally write big business-friendly legislation and [...]/
The Immoral Minority: Sarah Palin's twisted Tweet translated..
The Immoral Minority: Sarah Palin's twisted Tweet translated..: "Okay so I happened to read this tweet from that wacko from Wasilla: Obama:'Lincoln-they talked about him almost as bad as they talk about..."
Doesn’t ANYONE like Sarah any more?
Doesn’t ANYONE like Sarah any more?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Republicans turn on Sarah Palin en masse after her...
The Immoral Minority: Republicans turn on Sarah Palin en masse after her...: "After squeezing every last drop of her fifteen minutes of fame, like a milk-aholic at a cow's rapidly depleting udder, Sarah Palin seems t..."
REPORT: Texas Ranks Dead Last In Total Job Creation, Accounting For Labor Force Growth
Report: Writing Down Underwater Mortgages Could Create 1 Million Jobs
Report: Writing Down Underwater Mortgages Could Create 1 Million Jobs: "pA report from the The New Bottom Line — a coalition of community, faith-based and labor groups — finds that “if banks wrote down all underwater mortgages to market value and refinanced the homeowners into 30-year, fixed-rate loans at current market interest rates, that would pump $71 billion into the national economy.” “That would amount [...]/p"
Video- Rick Perry Tells N.H. Audience He’s a Global-Warming Skeptic
Video- Rick Perry Tells N.H. Audience He’s a Global-Warming
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Five Crazy Things Rick Perry Thinks About The Constitution
Five Crazy Things Rick Perry Thinks About The Constitution: "pBefore Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) threw his hat into the presidential ring this weekend, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) was the uncontested leader in the race to be the top-tier GOP presidential contender with the deepest contempt for the Constitution. Perry’s entry into this race, however, leaves Bachmann eating his dust. Simply put, Gov. Rick [...]/p"
Santorum: ‘Our Freedom’ Is Less ‘Whole Than It Was At The Time Of Our Founders’
Santorum: ‘Our Freedom’ Is Less ‘Whole Than It Was At The Time Of Our Founders’: "pAt a campaign stop in Iowa this weekend, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) doled out a frothy mixture of revisionist history about what it was like to be alive in the late 1700s: Our founders said [our] rights were given to us to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Does anyone here believe [...]/p"
Rick Santorum: Rick Perry’s Attack On Ben Bernanke ‘Completely Out Of Bounds’
Rick Santorum: Rick Perry’s Attack On Ben Bernanke ‘Completely Out Of Bounds’: "pYesterday, ThinkProgress caught Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) on video threatening Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke during a trip to Iowa. Perry, the latest Republican to announce a campaign for the White House, called any effort by the Fed to provide monetary stimulus “treasonous in my opinion” and added that he would treat Bernanke “pretty ugly [...]/p"
Ann Coulter Is More Clueless Than Rip Van Winkle
Ann Coulter Is More Clueless Than Rip Van
Whatever Happened To Baby Beck?
Whatever Happened To Baby Beck?
The Immoral Minority: Texas apologizes for Rick Perry. Well I should thi...
The Immoral Minority: Texas apologizes for Rick Perry. Well I should thi...: "(H/T to Politicususa for the video.) Well I appreciate the thought Texas, but you will have to do better than that! I mean seriously, WT..."
Rick Perry’s Hardcore History of Investment in Porn
Rick Perry’s Hardcore History of Investment in
Perry Reveals Plan For Total U.S. Anarchy: ‘Put A Moratorium On All Regulations’
Perry Reveals Plan For Total U.S. Anarchy: ‘Put A Moratorium On All Regulations’: "pToday, Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) issued the first policy position of his presidential campaign by asking the White House to issue a “moratorium on regulations across this country”: We’re calling today on the president of the United States to put a moratorium on regulations across this country, because his regulations, his EPA regulations are killing [...]/p"
Michele Bachmann: Gay Families Are Not ‘Families’
Michele Bachmann: Gay Families Are Not ‘Families’: "pOn yesterday’s Meet The Press, host David Gregory challenged Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann on some of her anti-gay views. After grilling her about whether sexual orientation would be a factor she’d consider in making presidential appointments, he asked whether a same-sex couple raising children constitutes a “family.” She doesn’t: GREGORY: Can a gay couple [...]/p"
Fox’s Bolling: ‘We’re Keeping An Eye On’ Chris Christie’s Muslim Judge Appointee
Fox’s Bolling: ‘We’re Keeping An Eye On’ Chris Christie’s Muslim Judge Appointee: "pYesterday on Fox Business, host Eric Bolling ran an entire 7-minute Islamophobic, fearmongering segment hyping the myth that Sharia law is creeping its way into the United States. As evidence, Bolling cited a Muslim American who in 2009 “ran over the daughter because of her unwillingness to partake in an arranged marriage.” Bolling also referenced [...]/p"
Once again, Michele Bachmann lists income from farm from which she “never received income”.
Once again, Michele Bachmann lists income from farm from which she “never received income”
VIDEO: Michele Bachmann says happy birthday to Elvis…on the anniversary of his death
VIDEO: Michele Bachmann says happy birthday to Elvis…on the anniversary of his
Monday, August 15, 2011
Obama Turns the Tables on the GOP’s ObamaCare Slur
Obama Turns the Tables on the GOP’s ObamaCare
After North Sea Oil Spill, Shell Prepares to Drill in Arctic Where There is ‘No Infrastructure’ for Clean-Up
After North Sea Oil Spill, Shell Prepares to Drill in Arctic Where There is ‘No Infrastructure’ for Clean-Up: "pMeanwhile, the Interior Department recognizes that the “Arctic is experiencing variations that are accelerating faster than previously realized” due to climate change, but supports drilling for more fossil fuels in the region anyway. Last week, Shell reported a ruptured oil pipeline in the North Sea, where it spilled around 750 barrels of oil. The leak [...]/p"
Quickie- Rick Perry’s first stop in New Hampshire funded by big oil
Quickie- Rick Perry’s first stop in New Hampshire funded by big
PhotOh! Read my lips: No. New. Texans.
PhotOh! Read my lips: No. New. Texans.
Grandma Palin’s Lack of Parenting Teaches a Valuable Lesson
Grandma Palin’s Lack of Parenting Teaches a Valuable
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Why Conservatives Love Rick Perry's Texas
Why Conservatives Love Rick Perry's Texas~~~~politicususa~~~~This should be on the front page of every Newspaper in the Country ! What have we become ?
Rick Perry’s Version Of American Exceptionalism
Rick Perry’s Version Of American
Palin: Our Demise Will Be From 'Liberals Spending Too Much Money' | Video Cafe
Palin: Our Demise Will Be From 'Liberals Spending Too Much Money' Video Cafe~~~~thepalinenigma says Palins demise can't come too soon
The Immoral Minority: Here are the Iowa Straw Poll results. Try to act ...
The Immoral Minority: Here are the Iowa Straw Poll results. Try to act ...: "Courtesy of the LA Times : 1. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (4823, 28.55%) 2. Congressman Ron Paul (4671, 27.65%) 3. Governor Tim P..."
Marcus Bachmann Can’t Cure The Gay Or The Rage
Marcus Bachmann Can’t Cure The Gay Or The
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Help design Rick Perry's campaign bus
Help design Rick Perry's campaign
The Immoral Minority: Today's feel good story of the day features an ant...
The Immoral Minority: Today's feel good story of the day features an ant...: "Rep. Phillip Hinkle fondles his bullwhip. Courtesy of TPM : An Indiana state Representative, who recently voted for a constitutional a..."
Friday, August 12, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Sometimes when you pack in a hurry things get left...
The Immoral Minority: Sometimes when you pack in a hurry things get left...: "'I feel like I forgot something. What could it be?' 'Oh yeah! Now I remember!' 'Dammit Todd! Bringing 'the girls' is YOUR job!' I..."
Wasserman Schultz Blasts Romney’s Assertion That Corporations Are People: ‘Is Exxon Mobil A Person?’
Wasserman Schultz Blasts Romney’s Assertion That Corporations Are People: ‘Is Exxon Mobil A Person?’: "pAfter former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) told an Iowa crowd yesterday that he believes “corporations are people,” DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) spoke on the same stage today and mocked the presidential candidate’s assertion. Wasserman Schultz asked the cheering crowd, “Is Exxon Mobil a person? General Electric, do they have human-like qualities?” [...]/p"
VIDEO- Joe Scarborough rant: Michele Bachman “is a joke. Her answer is a joke. Her candidacy is a joke…”
VIDEO- Joe Scarborough rant: Michele Bachman “is a joke. Her answer is a joke. Her candidacy is a joke…”
Mitt(wit) Romney’s Series Of Unfortunate Events « Lynnrockets' Blast-Off
Mitt(wit) Romney’s Series Of Unfortunate Events « Lynnrockets'
Pentagon Trillions Missing, New Report
Pentagon Trillions Missing, New
The Immoral Minority: Like a Herpes infection that is never really under...
The Immoral Minority: Like a Herpes infection that is never really under...: "Get a load of this patented Palin moosecrap courtesy of the LA Times : Palin said the timing of her visit was coincidental, that she ha..."
Sarahmania at Iowa State Fair
Sarahmania at Iowa State
GOP presidential candidate Thaddeus McCotter’s rather odd little video
GOP presidential candidate Thaddeus McCotter’s rather odd little
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Jonathon Capehart has Sarah Palin's number.
The Immoral Minority: Jonathon Capehart has Sarah Palin's number.: "Courtesy of the Washington Post : Palin told her supporters via e-mail that her “One Nation Tour” bus would descend upon the Hawkeye Sta..."
Unemployment Discrimination: Who's Afraid To Hire The Jobless?
Unemployment Discrimination: Who's Afraid To Hire The Jobless?
Boehner's Low Approval Rating Could Hurt Republicans In 2012
Boehner's Low Approval Rating Could Hurt Republicans In
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
palingates: Does Sarah Palin need help?
palingates: Does Sarah Palin need help?: "This has been brought to my attention by Andree McLeod: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is receiving legal help from the state in a civil ..."
After Praying for Rain, Texas Governor Rick Perry Prays for the EPA to Stop Environmental Regulations
After Praying for Rain, Texas Governor Rick Perry Prays for the EPA to Stop Environmental Regulations: "pTexas Governor Rick Perry may be announcing his bid for president this Saturday, according to Politico. And last week, in an interview with CBN News, Perry gave a preview of his approach to federal environmental policy by explaining that he prays for the EPA to roll back emissions and air quality standards: “Frankly I pray [...]/p"
U.S. Sees Most Extreme July Climate, Oklahoma Sees Hottest Average Temperature of Any State on Record
U.S. Sees Most Extreme July Climate, Oklahoma Sees Hottest Average Temperature of Any State on Record: "pThe July Climate Extremes Index for the CONUS was 37 percent. This is the highest July value in the CEI record (since 1910). The culprits were, in order of impact: Extreme warm minimum temperatures (60 percent of the country, easily the largest on record), extreme wet PDSI (soaked northern plains & western great lakes), extreme [...]/p"
The Immoral Minority: She's back! Sarah Palin's fake political bus tour...
The Immoral Minority: She's back! Sarah Palin's fake political bus tour...: "Oooh, that made me red, white, and blue nauseous! I don't know what was more stomach churning, her voice, the over-saturation of patriotic..."
Video- Predicting Riots, Hannity Says “I Fear That The American Dream, The America I Grew Up In Is Vanishing Before My Eyes”
Video- Predicting Riots, Hannity Says “I Fear That The American Dream, The America I Grew Up In Is Vanishing Before My Eyes”
Boehner, McConnell make debt committee picks
Boehner, McConnell make debt committee
With Nearly 270,000 Missourians Out Of Work, Sen. McCaskill Opposes Extending Unemployment Benefits
With Nearly 270,000 Missourians Out Of Work, Sen. McCaskill Opposes Extending Unemployment Benefits: "pYesterday evening, local news station KMOV aired a special report about unemployment. At one point, the news station asked Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) about the unemployment situation and said she “suprised” them with her response. The station asked the senator if unemployment benefits should be extended and if the payroll tax cut implemented as part [...]/p"
Sarah's Scandals: The Day Before Sarah Palin Announced Her Pregnancy...
Sarah's Scandals: The Day Before Sarah Palin Announced Her Pregnancy...: " First, I apologize for my absence. It was not my intention to be away for so long but I have been ill with Strep Throat. I’m still not ba..."
OMG!!! The President Invited Black People To The White House!!! « Lynnrockets' Blast-Off
OMG!!! The President Invited Black People To The White House!!! « Lynnrockets'
Mujahideen-e Khalq: Former U.S. Officials Make Millions Advocating For Terrorist Organization
Mujahideen-e Khalq: Former U.S. Officials Make Millions Advocating For Terrorist
Governor Rick Perry: Big On Prayer, Not So Big On Charity
Governor Rick Perry: Big On Prayer, Not So Big On
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
palingates: Open Thread - Tuesday
palingates: Open Thread - Tuesday: "We've been discussing how the very wealthy dislike paying their taxes and how much they love the good things their money can buy. Amy sent m..."
Monday, August 8, 2011
Cantor: Entitlement Promises ‘Frankly, Are Not Going To Be Kept For Many’
Cantor: Entitlement Promises ‘Frankly, Are Not Going To Be Kept For Many’: "pDuring an interview with the Wall Street Journal, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) said he is ready and willing to slash entitlements like Medicare, because, in his opinion, Americans have to “come to grips with the fact that promises have been made that frankly are not going to be kept for many“: What we [...]/p"
Cantor Opposes Extending Unemployment Benefits: We Need To Stop ‘Pumping Up’ Jobless Americans
Cantor Opposes Extending Unemployment Benefits: We Need To Stop ‘Pumping Up’ Jobless Americans: "pThe unemployment rate inched downwards to 9.1 percent today, with private sector jobs increasing by 154,000. While a slight improvement, these better-than-expected figures provide little comfort to the 14 million Americans who are unemployed. 44.4 percent of the unemployed have been out of work for six months or more. For these Americans who are struggling [...]/p"
As Verizon Demands Huge Cuts To Worker Benefits, Its Profits Soar And Its CEO Gets $18 Million In Compensation
As Verizon Demands Huge Cuts To Worker Benefits, Its Profits Soar And Its CEO Gets $18 Million In Compensation: "pYesterday, 45,000 Verizon employees, represented by the Communications Workers of America, went on strike following the breakdown of negotiations between union representatives and management on Saturday. The workers are battling a long list of concessions that the company is demanding of them, ranging from asking employees to contribute more to their health care plans to [...]/p"
The Immoral Minority: No longer a conspiracy theory, "Babygate" is real!...
The Immoral Minority: No longer a conspiracy theory, "Babygate" is real!...: "My good friend Audrey once referred to this picture as ' The Nail in the Coffin .' Because in her mind and the mind of many others, it pro..."
Scott Walker Cuts State Health Services, Then Rejects Health Reform’s Public Health Grants
Scott Walker Cuts State Health Services, Then Rejects Health Reform’s Public Health Grants: "pWisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) has rejected more than $9 million in grants from the Affordable Care Act that would have “focused on fighting drug and alcohol abuse; assessing health impacts of public policies; and signing up state residents who qualify for state health programs.” State health commissioners are outraged by the move, pointing out [...]/p"
Rick Santorum Inadvertently Makes The Case For An Individual Mandate
Rick Santorum Inadvertently Makes The Case For An Individual Mandate: "pIn the video below, Rick Santorum says that he would allow insurers to deny coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions because the problem of people being turned away from coverage is “fairly limited.” This, despite the fact that an estimated 50 to 129 million Americans likely suffer from some kind of pre-existing ailment and run [...]/p"
Maybe this is why Michele Bachmann looked that way on her Newsweek cover
Maybe this is why Michele Bachmann looked that way on her Newsweek
Wingnut and Personal Friend of the Murdochs is Guiding Investigation on How News Corp Handled Phone-Hacking Scandal
Wingnut and Personal Friend of the Murdochs is Guiding Investigation on How News Corp Handled Phone-Hacking
The Immoral Minority: The rhetoric from the Teabaggers in Wisconsin has ...
The Immoral Minority: The rhetoric from the Teabaggers in Wisconsin has ...: "Courtesy of Politico : 'I will tell you ladies and gentlemen, I detest and despise everything the left stands for. How anybody can endor..."
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Michele Bachmann "graces" the cover of Newsweek.
The Immoral Minority: Michele Bachmann "graces" the cover of Newsweek.: "Oh..My...God! What did they warn Perseus about when it came to that Gorgon named Medusa again? 'Whatever you do, don't look into her..."
palingates: Dishonesty medals for GOP, teabaggers and Sarah Pa...
palingates: Dishonesty medals for GOP, teabaggers and Sarah Pa...: "The GOP and the teabaggers created a scenario where President Obama takes the blame for the credit rating downgrade (and anything else that..."
The Immoral Minority: In desperation Teabaggers start hallucinating biza...
The Immoral Minority: In desperation Teabaggers start hallucinating biza...: "Archie Comic Publications, Inc. Today's laugh out loud, Rocky inspired, fantasy of a Sarah Palin victory in 2012, comes to us from some ..."
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Gingrich Buys Both Bling And Tweets
Gingrich Buys Both Bling And
The Response: We Watch So You Don't Have To
The Response: We Watch So You Don't Have To~~~~rightwingwatch~~~~
The haters and abusers
I was watching an ASPCA commercial showing the terrible abuse against animals and it struck me that what is going on with the teabaggers and GOP is not much different.We have many cruel factions in this Country attempting to erase any and all safety nets for the elderly, young,unemployed,disadvantaged along with women's rights and gay rights!In many instances this could lead to death.These programs are life saving and necessary in a civilised society! Yet we have elected politicians charged with the well being of their constituents who are voting to eliminate programs to help U.S citizens.Some State Governors are gleefully attacking working families and State employees by eliminating benefits or decreasing them and it will get much worse.They feel they are victorious in the attack on the middle class and others that they deem expendable ,this victory in their small and narrow minds emboldens them to commit more crimes against those that trusted them with their lives.As long as we are silent and passive it will continue until The U.S. is in ruins ! We need the voices of sanity to crush these despicable spoilers ! Trust me you might rejoice now about what you mistakenly think is the "Right direction" But you will cry tomorrow when you no longer have the right to choose where you work or live or how much you make at your work.Make no mistake these destroyers of Democracy will never stop taking until there's nothing left and then they will destroy each other!
The Immoral Minority: Bill Maher's New Rule is that the Left needs its o...
The Immoral Minority: Bill Maher's New Rule is that the Left needs its o...: "Palin propagandist Stephen Bannon was on the panel last night, and he spent much of the time representing the Teabagger's complete ignoran..."
The Immoral Minority: Mercede Johnston bares all concerning the Palin fa...
The Immoral Minority: Mercede Johnston bares all concerning the Palin fa...: "Courtesy of the New York Post : Mercede posed nude for the September issue of Playboy and gave an equally revealing interview to George ..."
REPORT: Debt Ceiling Deal Will Cost 1.8 Million Jobs In 2012
REPORT: Debt Ceiling Deal Will Cost 1.8 Million Jobs In 2012: "pThe Economic Policy Institute, a top nonpartisan think tank, estimates that the deal struck this weekend to raise the nation’s debt limit will end up costing the economy 1.8 million jobs by 2012. Today the Senate is expected to approve the package passed yesterday by the House and send it to President Obama. But while [...]/p"
If Public Sector Payrolls Were at 2009 Levels, The Unemployment Rate Would Be 8.4 Percent
If Public Sector Payrolls Were at 2009 Levels, The Unemployment Rate Would Be 8.4
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