A look at everything Palin and some sleazy stuff about the GOP ---This Blog is a compilation of Web information about Palin and The Right Wing effort to take over this Country for their Corporate Masters---It's not for profit or personal gain
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Durban Dispatch: December 1, 2011
Durban Dispatch: December 1, 2011: pThe Canadian Youth Delegation has publicly apologized for the actions of the Canadian government and their negotiators at Durban, publishing an apology letter in a local newspaper. [Canadian Youth Delegation] The Persian Gulf nation of Qatar, which has the highest per-capita greenhouse gas emissions in the world, has been selected as the site of the [...]/p
Durban Dispatch: December 1, 2011
Durban Dispatch: December 1, 2011: pThe Canadian Youth Delegation has publicly apologized for the actions of the Canadian government and their negotiators at Durban, publishing an apology letter in a local newspaper. [Canadian Youth Delegation] The Persian Gulf nation of Qatar, which has the highest per-capita greenhouse gas emissions in the world, has been selected as the site of the [...]/p
The Immoral Minority: Is the Tea Party finally over?
The Immoral Minority: Is the Tea Party finally over?: Image source can be found here . Courtesy of TPM : A new poll from the Pew Research Center shows that support for the Tea Party — and...
Progressive Alaska: Will This Be the Day Remembered for the Death of t...
Progressive Alaska: Will This Be the Day Remembered for the Death of t...: Only two Senators in the USA were absent for this important vote: Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich. They are in Fairbanks for a military de...
The Immoral Minority: Is the Tea Party finally over?
The Immoral Minority: Is the Tea Party finally over?: Image source can be found here . Courtesy of TPM : A new poll from the Pew Research Center shows that support for the Tea Party — and...
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Fox & Friends Are No Friends of Women
Fox & Friends Are No Friends of Women~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Barney Frank’s Unfinished Crusades
Barney Frank’s Unfinished Crusades: pRep. Barney Frank (D-MA) has announced that he will not seek re-election in 2012 and that he will be retiring from Congress. Frank leaves behind a storied legacy as only the second openly gay member of Congress who has championed numerous progressive caucuses from the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell to financial regulation. In [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Lowering the Curve - The Media's Mainstreaming of Lunacy
Lowering the Curve - The Media's Mainstreaming of Lunacy~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Monday, November 28, 2011
Ginger White: Herman Cain And I Were 'Involved In A Very Inappropriate' Relationship (VIDEO)
Ginger White: Herman Cain And I Were 'Involved In A Very Inappropriate' Relationship (VIDEO)~~~~huffingtonpost.com~~~~
VIDEO ADDED: Herman Cain says another woman coming forward claiming a 13-year affair with him
VIDEO ADDED: Herman Cain says another woman coming forward claiming a 13-year affair with him~~~~thepoliticalcarnival.com~~~~
Data Driven View Points: Chris Christie’s NJ Jobs Plan – Give Tax Money to ...
Data Driven View Points: Chris Christie’s NJ Jobs Plan – Give Tax Money to ...: New Jersey , like many other states, is investing our public money in private corporations to create jobs (hopefully not to garner favors). ...
Bachmann’s Plan To Deport 11 Million Undocumented Immigrants Would Cost U.S. Economy $2.6 Trillion
Bachmann’s Plan To Deport 11 Million Undocumented Immigrants Would Cost U.S. Economy $2.6 Trillion: pDetermined to distinguish herself with the most draconian immigration position in the GOP field, today Michele Bachmann elaborated on her plan to deport every single undocumented immigrant in the country: [P]residential candidate Michele Bachmann called for 11 million illegal immigrants to be deported from the United States in steps. [...] Asked by radio host Laura [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Newt Gingrich’s Latest Assault On The Constitution: Drug Test Americans Before They Get ‘Any Kind Of Federal Aid’
Newt Gingrich’s Latest Assault On The Constitution: Drug Test Americans Before They Get ‘Any Kind Of Federal Aid’: pAcross the country, Republican governors are pushing policies that mandate drug-testing for all welfare recipients and marginalize low-income Americans in the process. Now, the latest GOP presidential frontrunner Newt Gingrich is trying that idea on the national stage. When asked by Yahoo News’ Chris Moody for his thoughts on how to reform the U.S.’s failed [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Newt Gingrich’s Latest Assault On The Constitution: Drug Test Americans Before They Get ‘Any Kind Of Federal Aid’
Newt Gingrich’s Latest Assault On The Constitution: Drug Test Americans Before They Get ‘Any Kind Of Federal Aid’: pAcross the country, Republican governors are pushing policies that mandate drug-testing for all welfare recipients and marginalize low-income Americans in the process. Now, the latest GOP presidential frontrunner Newt Gingrich is trying that idea on the national stage. When asked by Yahoo News’ Chris Moody for his thoughts on how to reform the U.S.’s failed [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Fox News Viewers are the Most Misinformed: A Seventh Study Arrives to Prove It — and Vindicate Jon Stewart!
Fox News Viewers are the Most Misinformed: A Seventh Study Arrives to Prove It — and Vindicate Jon Stewart!: pby Chris Mooney, in a DeSmogBlog cross-post Two of my most popular posts here at DeSmogBlog were a pair of items documenting 1) just how many surveys have found Fox News viewers to be more misinformed about factual reality and 2) taking PolitiFact to task for giving Jon Stewart a “false” rating when he pointed [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Occupy Wall Street Humor
Occupy Wall Street Humor: pGreat to see Horsey throw in an environmental message. The first of the cartoons below also does: h/t Selfdeprecate.com Related Post: Top Ten Occupy Wall Street Cartoons/p
As Los Angeles Prepares To Evict Occupy Los Angeles, 51,000 People Remain Homeless There
As Los Angeles Prepares To Evict Occupy Los Angeles, 51,000 People Remain Homeless There: pLos Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck has given a “12:01 a.m. deadline for Occupy Los Angeles protesters to clear their encampment from the City Hall Lawn,” acting on orders from Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who says that the demonstrators must vacate out of concern for “public health and safety.” Yet the ironic thing about forcibly removing [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Saturday, November 26, 2011
The Immoral Minority: When religion becomes child abuse. The indoctrinat...
The Immoral Minority: When religion becomes child abuse. The indoctrinat...: video platform video management video solutions video player I watched this last night and was completely horrifie...
The Immoral Minority: Tiny Alaskan village sues energy companies for con...
The Immoral Minority: Tiny Alaskan village sues energy companies for con...: Courtesy of the Alaska Dispatch : The battle between some of the world's most powerful energy companies and an Alaska village that's los...
Occupy LA: “Oh No! We Won’t Go!” Mayor Says “11/28 at 12:01am Park Will Be Shut Down”
Occupy LA: “Oh No! We Won’t Go!” Mayor Says “11/28 at 12:01am Park Will Be Shut Down”~~~~firedoglake.com~~~~
LAPD Donates Stuffed Turkeys To Occupy Los Angeles For Thanksgiving
LAPD Donates Stuffed Turkeys To Occupy Los Angeles For Thanksgiving: pIn a very different approach than police departments in cities like Oakland and New York City, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) decided to spread some holiday cheer on Thanksgiving. A police commander from the LAPD donated two stuffed turkeys for Occupy Los Angeles’s Thanksgiving meal./p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Friday, November 25, 2011
Republicans Only Like Class Warfare Within One Class
Republicans Only Like Class Warfare Within One Class~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Decorated Vet Not Happy With Response From VA on Benefits
Decorated Vet Not Happy With Response From VA on Benefits~~~~veteranstoday.com~~~~
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Former AIG CEO Sues Claiming Taxpayers Need To Pony Up $25 Billion More
Former AIG CEO Sues Claiming Taxpayers Need To Pony Up $25 Billion More: pFor many years, insurance behemoth AIG was so poorly managed that the American taxpayer eventually had to invest nearly $70 billion in the incompetently run company to prevent its collapse from taking the entire U.S. economy along with it (much of this money has since been repaid). Former AIG CEO Maurice Greenberg, however, thinks that [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
The Immoral Minority: New York Magazine asks "When Did Liberals Become S...
The Immoral Minority: New York Magazine asks "When Did Liberals Become S...: Photo courtesy of The Obama Diary . Courtesy of New York Magazine : There are any number of arguments about things Obama did wrong. So...
New York College Students Beaten And Arrested For Protesting Tuition Hikes
New York College Students Beaten And Arrested For Protesting Tuition Hikes: pLast night, several City University of New York students were beaten with police batons and arrested for protesting tuition hikes outside a Board of Trustees meeting: A daylong rally by City University of New York students against a planned tuition increase turned turbulent Monday evening when marchers ignored police requests to clear the lobby of [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
New York College Students Beaten And Arrested For Protesting Tuition Hikes
New York College Students Beaten And Arrested For Protesting Tuition Hikes: pLast night, several City University of New York students were beaten with police batons and arrested for protesting tuition hikes outside a Board of Trustees meeting: A daylong rally by City University of New York students against a planned tuition increase turned turbulent Monday evening when marchers ignored police requests to clear the lobby of [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Wall Street’s Recession Cost 1.5 Million Times More Than The Cost Of Securing Occupy Protests
Wall Street’s Recession Cost 1.5 Million Times More Than The Cost Of Securing Occupy Protests: pToday, the Associated Press (AP) has a story where it estimates the costs of police securing for the various ongoing protest occupations across the country. The AP roughly estimates that these occupations over two months in eighteen major cities cost taxpayers $13 million. Right-wing media outlets are already using this number to claim that the [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
CNN National Security Debate: The Return Of The Neocons
CNN National Security Debate: The Return Of The Neocons: pAfter the conclusion of Tuesday night’s GOP national security and foreign policy debate, CNN Democratic political analyst Donna Brazile remarked that the debate seemed like a bad flashback: This was like retro debate. I felt like we were going back into the past. The neocons — it was like the last hurrah, celebration of the [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
GRAPHIC: Most Common Words At CNN Debate: ‘War,’ And ‘Israel’
Monday, November 21, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Congressman Don Young shames ALL Alaskans once aga...
The Immoral Minority: Congressman Don Young shames ALL Alaskans once aga...: Good God! What an asshole! Here is the transcript from the Fairbanks NewsMiner : YOUNG: Thank you, Chairman. And thanks for having th...
Bernard Starr: Lights Out for Third World America?
Bernard Starr: Lights Out for Third World America?~~~~huffingtonpost.com~~~~
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Herman Cain Can’t Be Bothered With “Details”
Herman Cain Can’t Be Bothered With “Details”~~~~malialitman.wordpress.com~~~~
Freezing Free Speech: Winter Tents Are ‘Contraband’ For Occupy Boston
Freezing Free Speech: Winter Tents Are ‘Contraband’ For Occupy Boston: pOccupy Boston is one of the largest and best established occupations of the 99 Percent movement, in the city known as the Cradle of Liberty for its role in sparking the American Revolution. With a court order preventing the city of Boston from tearing down the encampment, the occupiers are planning to maintain their protest [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Armed Occupy Police Scared of Old Lady, Judge and Pregnant Teenager
Ye Are Many. They Are Few
Ye Are Many. They Are Few Shelly~~~~veteranstoday~~~~
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Daily Caller Reporters Attacked By Police; #OWS Protesters Come To Their Aid | Occupy America
Daily Caller Reporters Attacked By Police; #OWS Protesters Come To Their Aid Occupy America~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
#OccupyDC's Declaration of the Occupation
#OccupyDC's Declaration of the Occupation~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Man charged with trying to assassinate President O...
The Immoral Minority: Man charged with trying to assassinate President O...: Courtesy of the LA Times : An Idaho man has been charged with trying to assassinate President Obama or his staff by allegedly using a hi...
The Immoral Minority: Take away the liberal hosts of "The View," replace...
The Immoral Minority: Take away the liberal hosts of "The View," replace...: Okay let me start off by apologizing for posting this, as it may in fact be the DUMBEST fifteen minutes you will EVER spend. However I fel...
The Immoral Minority: Palin continues in her attempt to reinvent herself...
The Immoral Minority: Palin continues in her attempt to reinvent herself...: "Yes I did too write this editorial! See here is the original rough draft on my palm!" This article showed up today in the Wall Street J...
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Van Jones and Alan Grayson on the Strength of the #OWS Movement
Van Jones and Alan Grayson on the Strength of the #OWS Movement~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
Perry Campaign Says Foreigners Not Allowed At Town Hall Event
Perry Campaign Says Foreigners Not Allowed At Town Hall Event: pAccording to an Associated Press reporter, the Perry campaign refused to let foreigners attend a town hall event with the candidate in New Hampshire today. Campaign staffers inquired about reporters’ citizenship status at the door, explaining that only U.S. citizens were allowed. Their dubious justification for this intrusive screening was that the town hall host [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Sen. Jeff Sessions Launches Yet Another Recusal Witchhunt Against Justice Kagan
Sen. Jeff Sessions Launches Yet Another Recusal Witchhunt Against Justice Kagan: pIn a desperate effort to rig the Supreme Court in order to strike down the Affordable Care Act, conservatives spent the last year generating increasingly more and more ridiculous arguments for why Justice Kagan should recuse herself from the Affordable Care Act cases. First, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) suggested that Kagan perjured herself at her [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
BREAKING: Arizona Supreme Court Reverses Brewer-Led Impeachment, Reinstates Redistricting Commission Chair
BREAKING: Arizona Supreme Court Reverses Brewer-Led Impeachment, Reinstates Redistricting Commission Chair: pIn a stunning reversal, the Arizona Supreme Court tonight reversed an attempted power grab by Gov. Jan Brewer (R) and her Republican colleagues in the state legislature. Last month, the state Senate took up Brewer’s push to impeach Colleen Mathis, the chairwoman of Arizona’s independent bipartisan redistricting commission. Even Brewer herself couldn’t explain how Mathis [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Operating in a noisy environment
Operating in a noisy environmentwww.veteranstoday.com~~~~
The Immoral Minority: How President Obama is seen Down Under.
The Immoral Minority: How President Obama is seen Down Under.: Here is how various Australian publications covered the President's visit to their shores. Could you even imagine ANY of the curr...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Behold Michele Bachmann's Epic "Twitter-fail!"
The Immoral Minority: Behold Michele Bachmann's Epic "Twitter-fail!": "Oh come on! Don't tell me you are all too lazy to tweet! Hello? Is this thing on?" Courtesy of Politico : The outraged Michele Bachma...
GOP Super Committee Co-Chair Jeb Hensarling Suggests He Would Reject ‘Any Penny’ In Additional Revenue
GOP Super Committee Co-Chair Jeb Hensarling Suggests He Would Reject ‘Any Penny’ In Additional Revenue: pRep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), a co-chair of the congressional supercommittee tasked with crafting a $1.5 trillion deficit reduction package, suggested that he would reject “any penny” of further tax increases in the deal currently being negotiated. Republicans on the committee so far have only offered $300 billion in revenue-increases in the form of eliminating tax [...]/p
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Eric Schmidt Blasts Web Copyright Bills
Eric Schmidt Blasts Web Copyright Bills~~~~huffingtonpost.com~~~~
Republicans Are Waiting for Godot While Obama Surges
Republicans Are Waiting for Godot While Obama Surges~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
The Next Move For Occupy Wall Street
The Next Move For Occupy Wall Street~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Moved Your Money Out of BofA? If You're Unemployed Too Bad
Moved Your Money Out of BofA? If You're Unemployed Too Bad~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
Ohio Voters Have Nearly Enough Signatures To Block Gov. Kasich’s Anti-Voter Law
Ohio Voters Have Nearly Enough Signatures To Block Gov. Kasich’s Anti-Voter Law: pEarlier this year, Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) signed a sweeping voter suppression bill which shortens the state’s early voting period, bans in-person early voting on Sundays, and prohibits boards of election from mailing absentee ballot requests to voters. In 2008, four in 10 votes in Ohio’s capitol city were cast using methods that would [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Study: GOP’s Balanced Budget Amendment Would Double Unemployment Rate, Put 15 Million Out Of Work
Study: GOP’s Balanced Budget Amendment Would Double Unemployment Rate, Put 15 Million Out Of Work: pIn a week, the GOP will again vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment, the cockamamie economic proposal they have toyed with several times over the last several months, including during the debate over raising the debt ceiling. The vote is part of the final compromise to raise the debt limit, in which President Obama and [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
At Least Two Reporters Arrested While Covering Crackdown On Occupy Wall Street
At Least Two Reporters Arrested While Covering Crackdown On Occupy Wall Street: pShortly before noon today, New York Daily News reporter Matthew Lysiak, who is covering New York City’s crackdown on Occupy Wall Street protestors filed a three word report: “I’ve been arrested.” Julie Walker, a freelance reporter for NPR, was also arrested last night while covering the crackdown, despite the fact that she was wearing an [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Monday, November 14, 2011
Months Before Total Confusion On Libya, Herman Cain Was Totally Sure Obama Was Wrong
Months Before Total Confusion On Libya, Herman Cain Was Totally Sure Obama Was Wrong: pFormer pizza executive Herman Cain has struggled with foreign policy throughout his campaign to be commander in chief, but never more so than an in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel today in which he muddled through a flailing, nonsensical answer on Libya for five excruciating minutes. Ultimately, Cain lands on being generally supportive [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
The Republican Slogan for 2012: Suppress The Vote!
The Republican Slogan for 2012: Suppress The Vote ! ~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Bachmann: Waterboarding Is Justified, Like Nuking Japan
Bachmann: Waterboarding Is Justified, Like Nuking Japan~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
Occupy Sympathizer Plays APEC Dinner
Occupy Sympathizer Plays APEC Dinner~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Time to gird your loins my friends, the looming po...
The Immoral Minority: Time to gird your loins my friends, the looming po...: Courtesy of The New York Times : For the first time, this campaign will be dominated by political action committees that exist solely to...
VIDEO: Occupy Houston “mic checks” Eric Cantor
VIDEO: Occupy Houston “mic checks” Eric Cantor~~~~politicalcarnival.net~~~~
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Immoral Minority: The Palin-bots apparently have no sense of shame. ...
The Immoral Minority: The Palin-bots apparently have no sense of shame. ...: "Oh come on people! Get a life! Just keep sending me money and stop acting like little whiny bitches!!" The following is a new proposal ...
The Immoral Minority: Gabby Giffords speaks!
The Immoral Minority: Gabby Giffords speaks!: video platform video management video solutions video player Courtesy of the Huffington Post : The 41-year-old congresswoman was seated ...
On to the Next Labor Battle in Ohio: Workplace Freedom Amendment
On to the Next Labor Battle in Ohio: Workplace Freedom Amendment~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
Friday, November 11, 2011
I Can See Barack Obama's Second Term From My Kitchen Window
I Can See Barack Obama's Second Term From My Kitchen Window~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Herman Cain barely holds top spot in GOP field rig...
The Immoral Minority: Herman Cain barely holds top spot in GOP field rig...: Courtesy of CBS : In a new CBS News Poll, 61 percent of Republican primary voters say the sexual harassment accusations against Cain won...
Thursday, November 10, 2011
VIDEO- Blanket the Earth: A plan to warm up Occupy protesters this winter
VIDEO- Blanket the Earth: A plan to warm up Occupy protesters this winter~~~~thepoliticalcarnival.net~~~~
Poll-itics: Ohio election results don’t bode well for Gov. John Kasich
Poll-itics: Ohio election results don’t bode well for Gov. John Kasich~~~~thepoliticalcarnival.net~~~~
More Than A Quarter Of Americans Would Have Lived In Poverty Last Year Without The Social Safety Net
More Than A Quarter Of Americans Would Have Lived In Poverty Last Year Without The Social Safety Net: pRepublicans in Congress and on the presidential campaign trail have spent much of the year trying to gut social safety net programs vital to the livelihood of America’s poor and elderly citizens. From House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) Medicare-ending budget plan to multiple proposals from the GOP’s presidential candidates, conservatives have sought to [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
PETITION: Call Herman Cain out for his outrageous and shameful 'Princess Nancy' comment
PETITION: Call Herman Cain out for his outrageous and shameful 'Princess Nancy' comment: PETITION: Call Herman Cain out for his outrageous and shameful 'Princess Nancy' comment: https://www.dccc.org/pages/princessnancy
Morning CheckUp: November 10, 2011
Morning CheckUp: November 10, 2011: pBig day for SCOTUS: “The nine Supreme Court justices could decide as soon as Thursday whether — and how — to wade into the politically charged legal waters of health reform…The justices will have to decide which of four pending cases challenging the individual mandate the court should hear and whether to take up other [...]/p
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Mother of all storms pounding Alaska's western coa...
The Immoral Minority: Mother of all storms pounding Alaska's western coa...: Courtesy of Fairbanks NewsMiner : High winds and surging waves pummeled Alaska's western coast Wednesday, churning the Bering Sea and f...
PhotOH! Herman Cain’s Audacity of Grope
PhotOH! Herman Cain’s Audacity of Grope~~~~politicalcarnival.net~~~~
Sharon Bialek: Herman Cain knows who I am
Sharon Bialek: Herman Cain knows who I am~~~~thepoliticalcarnival.net~~~~
Monique's Story: Facing Foreclosure
Monique's Story: Facing Foreclosure~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
#OccupyAtlanta Fights Family's Looming Eviction
#OccupyAtlanta Fights Family's Looming Eviction~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Biggest Jump Ever in Global Warming Pollution in 2010, Chinese CO2 Emissions Now Exceed U.S.’s By 50%
Biggest Jump Ever in Global Warming Pollution in 2010, Chinese CO2 Emissions Now Exceed U.S.’s By 50%: pSeth Borenstein of the Associated Press reports — and editorializes — on the grim news: The global output of heat-trapping carbon dioxide jumped by the biggest amount on record, the U.S. Department of Energy calculated, a sign of how feeble the world’s efforts are at slowing man-made global warming. Feeble indeed. You go, Seth. You’re [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
After Being Thanked by Big Oil for Backing Tax Breaks, Pat Toomey Blasts Loans to Cleantech with “Commercial Success”
After Being Thanked by Big Oil for Backing Tax Breaks, Pat Toomey Blasts Loans to Cleantech with “Commercial Success”: pAs the political jostling over Department of Energy loan guarantees to clean energy companies continues, the hypocrisy keeps getting worse. The latest is from Republican Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey, who co-wrote a letter to the Inspector General on Monday urging him to investigate a conditional commitment for a $730 million loan guarantee to a high-strength [...]/p
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
10 Million American Families Sliding Toward Foreclosure
10 Million American Families Sliding Toward Foreclosure~~~~veteranstoday.com~~~~
Herman Cain Makes Light of Sexual Harassment on Jimmy Kimmel
Herman Cain Makes Light of Sexual Harassment on Jimmy Kimmel~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
What Mississippi's Personhood Amendment Means To Women
What Mississippi's Personhood Amendment Means To Women~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Poll: 50 Percent Say GOP Is ‘Intentionally Stalling’ Economy To Hurt Obama
Poll: 50 Percent Say GOP Is ‘Intentionally Stalling’ Economy To Hurt Obama: pA new Daily Kos/SEIU poll conducted by Public Policy Polling that comes out later today shows that a full half of Americans believe that “Republicans are intentionally stalling efforts to jumpstart the economy to insure that Barack Obama is not reelected.” This includes 61 percent of self-described “moderates” and 15 percent of “conservatives. Fort-one percent [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Mike's Blog Round Up
Mike's Blog Round Up~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
Monday, November 7, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Good news, bad news in the world of progressive po...
The Immoral Minority: Good news, bad news in the world of progressive po...: First the good news. Graphic courtesy of The Obama Diary . Great right? Now for the bad news. Courtesy of Mother Jones : Over the...
Lt. Dave Parker in Violation of Judge’s Order?
Lt. Dave Parker in Violation of Judge’s Order?~~~~malialitman.wordpress.com~~~~
The Immoral Minority: 1 million of us moved our money and sent the banks...
The Immoral Minority: 1 million of us moved our money and sent the banks...: Courtesy of AlterNet : As "Move Your Money" caught on like wildfire, even the mainstream media got in on the story. ABC News called it ...
Walker Bud Files Fake Recall Petition To Allow WI Governor To Raise Even More Money
Walker Bud Files Fake Recall Petition To Allow WI Governor To Raise Even More Money~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
NRA Won’t Back Down From Supporting Law That Increases Military Suicides
NRA Won’t Back Down From Supporting Law That Increases Military Suicides: pIn 2010, for the second year in a row, the U.S. military lost more troops to suicide than in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Half took place with personally owned weapons. Yet military commanders who want to intervene have their hands tied by an NRA-backed law that bars them from discussing gun ownership with at-risk [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
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