A look at everything Palin and some sleazy stuff about the GOP ---This Blog is a compilation of Web information about Palin and The Right Wing effort to take over this Country for their Corporate Masters---It's not for profit or personal gain
Saturday, December 31, 2011
5 New Year's Resolutions for Republicans
5 New Year's Resolutions for Republicans~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
POLL: ‘Progressive’ Is The Most Positively Viewed Political Label in America
POLL: ‘Progressive’ Is The Most Positively Viewed Political Label in America: pA new poll from the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press out yesterday shows that “progressive” is the most positively viewed political label in America, with 67 percent holding a positive view compared to just 22 percent who view the term negatively: The poll found that the term progressive is viewed positively [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
With Over 500K Signatures Already Collected, Recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Appears Inevitable
With Over 500K Signatures Already Collected, Recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Appears Inevitable: pA recall of controversial Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker now appear inevitable. In just 28 days, activists collected 507,533 signatures. Organizers have until January 17 to collect 540,208 signatures, which is equal to 25% of the state’s 2010 general election turnout. To be safe, recall advocates have set a new goal of 720,277 signatures by the [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
2011: The Year The Republican Party Repeatedly Humiliated America
2011: The Year The Republican Party Repeatedly Humiliated America~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Friday, December 30, 2011
What the Hell is Happening in Iowa?
What the Hell is Happening in Iowa?~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Ohio Gov. John Kasich's 'Jobs Budget' Costing the State Jobs
Ohio Gov. John Kasich's 'Jobs Budget' Costing the State Jobs~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
The Immoral Minority: Michele Bachmann compares herself to Margaret That...
The Immoral Minority: Michele Bachmann compares herself to Margaret That...: Yeah I don't think that this is a comparison that is going to fly with most people. After all Bachmann is currently polling in last plac...
Blue Jersey:: Boo-Friggin'-Hoo
Blue Jersey:: Boo-Friggin'-Hoo~~~~This is a must read about "The Jersey Bully" also known as "Chris The Destroyer"
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Rick Perry Shares His Thought-of-the-Day on Abortion, from a Sports Bar
Rick Perry Shares His Thought-of-the-Day on Abortion, from a Sports Bar~~~~malialitman.wordpress.com~~~~
Bi-polar Disorder Has a Genetic Component
Bi-polar Disorder Has a Genetic Component~~~~malialitman.wordpress.com~~~~
Behind The Obama Path To 270 Is A Warning About Complacency
Behind The Obama Path To 270 Is A Warning About Complacency~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
The Immoral Minority: More good news for the future of our country. And ...
The Immoral Minority: More good news for the future of our country. And ...: Courtesy of Politicususa : By losing 9% of their audience in 2011, Fox News’ prime time lineup now averages fewer viewers than Jon Stewa...
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Daily Kos Elections on NJ Congressional Redistricting
Daily Kos Elections on NJ Congressional Redistricting~~~~bluejersey.com~~~~
Monday, December 26, 2011
The 10 Craziest Economic Policy Ideas Of 2011
The 10 Craziest Economic Policy Ideas Of 2011: pThe economy continued to struggle through 2011, with persistently high unemployment, a foreclosure crisis that kept on burning, and banks behaving badly in a whole host of ways. And there were plenty of ideas from economists, lawmakers, and pundits about what to do about it. But some ideas were, shall we say, more…unique than others. [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Romney: If I’m President, All College Grads Will Have A Job; If Obama Wins, They Won’t
Romney: If I’m President, All College Grads Will Have A Job; If Obama Wins, They Won’t: pAsked at a campaign stop in New Hampshire why young people should mobilize behind Mitt Romney for 2012, the candidate had a simple but comically pandering answer. Romney promised 21-year-old Kallie Durkit that he will deliver jobs to college graduates if he’s elected president — that as a businessman he knows “what it takes” to [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Police Block Protesters From Bringing Food To Zuccotti Park For Christmas Celebration
Police Block Protesters From Bringing Food To Zuccotti Park For Christmas Celebration: pOccupy Wall Street protesters convened for a Christmas celebration at their old campsite in Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan yesterday, but when volunteers showed up with bags of cookies and food for a planned afternoon potluck, New York Police Dept. officers prevented them from entering the square, Manhattan news site DNAinfo.com reports. An NYPD spokesperson [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Fascism is Our Guardians’ Plan for Capital Control
Fascism is Our Guardians’ Plan for Capital Control~~~~veteranstoday.com~~~~
The 2011 Political Naughty Or Nice List: Rupert Murdoch
The 2011 Political Naughty Or Nice List: Rupert Murdoch~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Saturday, December 24, 2011
‘Russia Without Putin’: Huge Protests Assemble In Moscow
‘Russia Without Putin’: Huge Protests Assemble In Moscow: pFor a month now, a nascent protest movement has roiled Russia as Prime Minister Vladimir Putin seeks to reassert himself as president, the same position he gave up in 2008. His successor and likely soon-to-be predecessor President Dmitri Medvedev responded to the protest movement by offering reforms on his way out the door after a [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
The 2011 Political Naughty Or Nice List: John Boehner
The 2011 Political Naughty Or Nice List: John Boehner~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
A change in the hearts of those that think only of themselves !
Tom, wish's everyone well !Enjoy this Weekend and whatever you believe ,hope for a peaceful resolve to the Earth's problem's.Most of all for a change in the hard hearted that cause so much suffering in The United States and the rest of the World .
Friday, December 23, 2011
Bloomberg Releases Most Detailed Description Yet Of Federal Reserve Emergency Loans
Bloomberg Releases Most Detailed Description Yet Of Federal Reserve Emergency Loans~~~~huffingtonpost.com~~~~
Minnesota Governor Accuses GOP Of Hypocrisy On Anti-Marriage Amendment
Minnesota Governor Accuses GOP Of Hypocrisy On Anti-Marriage Amendment: pMinnesota Governor Mark Dayton (D) suggested that Republicans should abandon a constitutional amendment outlawing same-sex marriage in the aftermath of the controversy surrounding former Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch (R). Earlier this month, following rumors of an an alleged affair with a male Senate staffer who reported to Koch, “the Republican from Buffalo resigned her [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Study: Bush Tax Cuts Cost More Than Twice As Much As Dems' Health-Care Bill
Study: Bush Tax Cuts Cost More Than Twice As Much As Dems' Health-Care Bill~~~~crooksandliars~~~~This post is worth memorizing ~~~~
Occupy Makes the Local News Focus on Economic Issues
Occupy Makes the Local News Focus on Economic Issues~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
Christmas 2011: The 99% Vs The 1% (Editorial Cartoon)
Christmas 2011: The 99% Vs The 1% (Editorial Cartoon)~~~~Kevin Eason~~~~ Politicususa.com
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
VIDEO: Solidarity Sing-Along protest in defiance of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s new permit rules
VIDEO: Solidarity Sing-Along protest in defiance of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s new permit rules~~~~thepoliticalcarnival.net~~~~
Video Overnight Thread- Touched by a Wild Mountain Gorilla
Video Overnight Thread- Touched by a Wild Mountain Gorilla~~~~thepoliticalcarnival.net~~~~
Obama Tells Boehner No Negotiations, Vote On The Senate Bill
Obama Tells Boehner No Negotiations, Vote On The Senate Bill~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Governor Walker Rakes In Outside Cash for Recall Fight
Governor Walker Rakes In Outside Cash for Recall Fight~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Arrogant Republicans Are Exterminating The Once Vibrant Middle Class
Arrogant Republicans Are Exterminating The Once Vibrant Middle Class~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Blue Gal: A Question I Haven't Heard Asked of Newt Gingrich
Blue Gal: A Question I Haven't Heard Asked of Newt Gingrich: His affair with Callista lasted six years; and he also cheated on Wife Number One with Wife Number Two. He was in Congress from 1979 to 199...
Iowa Establishment Worries About Ron Paul
Iowa Establishment Worries About Ron Paul~~~~thepoliticalcarnival.net~~~~
Monday, December 19, 2011
DOJ Uncovers Rampant Lawbreaking By Sheriff Joe Arpaio Despite His Stonewalling
DOJ Uncovers Rampant Lawbreaking By Sheriff Joe Arpaio Despite His Stonewalling: pMaricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is unquestionably the most notorious law enforcement official in the country, infamous for his ruthless and illegal treatment of the undocumented immigrants under his charge. He’s known for cramming detained immigrants into outdoor “tent cities” he proudly likens to concentration camps, and for parading prisoners around in pink underwear to [...]/~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Tens Of Thousands March On Koch Industries For Suppressing Voting Rights
Tens Of Thousands March On Koch Industries For Suppressing Voting Rights: pThis past Saturday, tens of thousands of civil rights activists marched on the New York offices of Koch Industries to protest the Koch brothers’ support of restrictive voting laws that disenfranchise millions. In dozens of states, Republican politicians have pushed laws that disproportionately keep Democratic voters, including blacks, Latinos, students, and the poor, from the [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
New Hampshire GOP Lawmakers Propose ‘Warning: You Are About To Enter Massachusetts’ Border Signs
New Hampshire GOP Lawmakers Propose ‘Warning: You Are About To Enter Massachusetts’ Border Signs: pFocused as ever on the issues that matter, Republican lawmakers in New Hampshire are eagerly pushing a plan to post road signs on the state’s border that would alert travelers to the dangers of entering neighboring liberal Massachusetts. Drivers who are about to make the mistake of leaving “Live Free or Die” New Hampshire may [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Sunday, December 18, 2011
My New Jersey Fair Redistricting Map
My New Jersey Fair Redistricting Map~~~~bluejersey.com~~~~
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Taxing Millionaires in California
Taxing Millionaires in California~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
Shailey Tripp Fights Back!
Shailey Tripp Fights Back!~~~~malialitman.wordpress.com~~~~
Friday, December 16, 2011
Gingrich Compares Himself To Four Legendary Presidents As He Plans To Bust Courts
Gingrich Compares Himself To Four Legendary Presidents As He Plans To Bust Courts: p2012 GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich said during a Fox News debate in Iowa tonight that he wants to call judges whose rulings he doesn’t agree with before Congress to testify. He then compared himself to four presidents — Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, and FDR — in saying that he would take on the courts. Watch [...]/p
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Mitt Romney must NEVER get into the White House!
The Immoral Minority: Mitt Romney must NEVER get into the White House!: Visit msnbc.com for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy I have a confession to make. I had this little internal dial...
Changes to the National Defense Authorization Act: Are They Enough?
Changes to the National Defense Authorization Act: Are They Enough?~~~~www.politicususa.com~~~~
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Gingrich’s Tax Plan Would Give Millionaires A $600,000 Tax Cut
Gingrich’s Tax Plan Would Give Millionaires A $600,000 Tax Cut: pThe latest 2012 GOP presidential frontrunner, Newt Gingrich, has, like Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) before him, released a plan to overhaul the U.S. tax code by giving taxpayers the option of paying a single, flat, income tax rate, as opposed to using today’s progressive tax code. In fact, Gingrich goes a bit further than [...]/p
STUDY: Past Corporate Tax Holidays Led To Little Job Creation, Just Helped ‘The Corporate Rich’ Get Richer
STUDY: Past Corporate Tax Holidays Led To Little Job Creation, Just Helped ‘The Corporate Rich’ Get Richer: pA group of corporations known as Win America has spent much of 2011 advocating for a corporate tax repatriation holiday, a period of time in which the typical 35 percent corporate income tax usually levied when overseas funds are brought back to the United States would be lowered in an effort to stimulate job creation [...]/p
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Gingrich Urged Conservatives To Support Budget Busting Medicare Prescription Drug Act In 2003
Gingrich Urged Conservatives To Support Budget Busting Medicare Prescription Drug Act In 2003: pPolitico’s Jonathan Allen recalls Newt Gingrich’s role in urging conservative Republicans to approve the 2003 Medicare Modernization Act, an unfunded expansion of Medicare that provided a drug benefit to American seniors through Medicare Part D. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) initially estimated that the MMA would add to the deficit by $395 billion between 2004 [...]/p
Romney: Medicare May Not Be Guaranteed Every Year, If I’m President
Romney: Medicare May Not Be Guaranteed Every Year, If I’m President: pMitt Romney clarified his plan to partially privatize the Medicare program during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s editorial board Wednesday morning, suggesting that he would allow Congress to vote on the amount of “premium support” credits (or vouchers) seniors receive to buy health care coverage every year. Broadly speaking, like Paul Ryan, Romney seeks [...]/p
After Gutting Women’s Health Care, Perry Accuses Obama Of ‘Sacrificing The Health Of Millions Of Texas Women’
After Gutting Women’s Health Care, Perry Accuses Obama Of ‘Sacrificing The Health Of Millions Of Texas Women’: pTalk about the pot calling the kettle black: after years of gutting women’s health services in his state, GOP contender Gov. Rick Perry (TX) is attacking the Obama administration for “sacrificing the health of millions of Texas women in the name of their pro-abortion agenda.” The administration’s crime? Refusing to let Texas violate federal law [...]/p
Monday, December 12, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
NOAA Chief: U.S. Record of a Dozen Billion-Dollar Weather Disasters in One Year Is “a Harbinger of Things to Come”
NOAA Chief: U.S. Record of a Dozen Billion-Dollar Weather Disasters in One Year Is “a Harbinger of Things to Come”: pThe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has released an analysis, “U.S. sets record with a dozen billion-dollar weather disasters in one year.” They report: To date, the United States set a record with 12 separate billion dollar weather/climate disasters in 2011, with an aggregate damage total of approximately $52 billion. This record year breaks the [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Elizabeth Warren Revives The Democratic Gospel Of Optimism
Elizabeth Warren Revives The Democratic Gospel Of Optimism~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
LT. GOV. ON HOT SEAT AS STATE PROBES SCAMS – by Mark Lagerkvist~~~~newjerseywatchdog.org~~~~
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Between 2008 And 2010, 30 Big Corporations Spent More Lobbying Washington Than They Paid In Income Taxes
Between 2008 And 2010, 30 Big Corporations Spent More Lobbying Washington Than They Paid In Income Taxes: pToday, thousands of 99 Percenters will march on K Street in Washington, D.C. as a part of an action called “Take Back The Capitol,” taking aim at the lobbying firms that corporate interests use to influence the federal government. A report released this month by Public Campaign demonstrates just how important it is for Americans [...]/p
Sen. Hatch Falsely Claims That Consumer Protection Bureau Director Is An ‘Almighty God’ With No Oversight
Sen. Hatch Falsely Claims That Consumer Protection Bureau Director Is An ‘Almighty God’ With No Oversight: pSenate Republicans today filibustered the nomination of former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray to be the first director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. For months, the GOP has been insisting that it would not confirm any director for the Bureau until the Bureau’s structure is changed so as to weaken it significantly. Since the [...]/p
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Proof That Homophobia Is Associated with Homosexual Arousal
Proof That Homophobia Is Associated with Homosexual Arousal~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tennesee Firefighters Let Family’s Home Burn Down Because They Didn’t Pay Subscription Fee
Tennesee Firefighters Let Family’s Home Burn Down Because They Didn’t Pay Subscription Fee: pMore than a year ago, ThinkProgress reported about a tragic case of a firefighters in Obion County, Tennessee standing by and watching as a family’s home burned to the ground because the family failed to pay a special fee the county requested in exchange for the fire service. Now, this tragedy has once again repeated [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Keith Olbermann Tears ‘Fascist Bastard’ Scott Walker A New One
Ruthelle Frank
Keith Olbermann Tears ‘Fascist Bastard’ Scott Walker A New One~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
As Medicaid Cuts Take Hold, Suicide Rates Rise
As Medicaid Cuts Take Hold, Suicide Rates Rise~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~~~~A note from the palinenigma sounds as if the GOP death panels are beginning
Monday, December 5, 2011
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Failed To Investigate Over 400 Sex Crimes, Including Molestations Of Undocumented Children
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Failed To Investigate Over 400 Sex Crimes, Including Molestations Of Undocumented Children: pArizona’s infamous Sheriff Joe Arpaio (R) spends a lot of time playing politics and apparently no time doing his actual job. The AP reports that, over a three-year period ending in 2007, Arpaio “inadequately investigated” or in some instances didn’t even work more than 400 sex-crimes reported to his office. The cases “include dozens of [...]/p
Santorum: Insurers Should Discriminate Against People With Pre-Existing Conditions
Santorum: Insurers Should Discriminate Against People With Pre-Existing Conditions: pRick Santorum sounded like a representative from the health insurance industry when he addressed a small group of high school students in Merrimack, New Hampshire this morning. The former Pennsylvania senator not only defended insurers for denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, he also argued that individuals who are sick should pay higher premiums [...]/p
Is The iPhone’s Siri Misleading Women Who Need Emergency Health Services?
Is The iPhone’s Siri Misleading Women Who Need Emergency Health Services?: p“What may I help you with?” So begins Siri — the unique voice-activated assistant of the iPhone 4s that promises to deliver accurate and tailored answers for your every need. Unless you’re a woman in search of health services like birth control, emergency contraception, abortion, or even mammogram tests. Then the interactive search wizard draws [...]/p
In 2005, Gingrich Called For ‘Transfer Of Finances,’ Individual Mandate To Achieve Universal Coverage
In 2005, Gingrich Called For ‘Transfer Of Finances,’ Individual Mandate To Achieve Universal Coverage: pGOP presidential frontrunner Newt Gingrich insists that a national health insurance mandate is unconstitutional, claiming that if lawmakers can ask Americans to purchase health insurance coverage, then Congress “could compel you to do anything.” But the former speaker had in fact supported a national requirement as recently as 2007, and in 2005 made a strong [...]/p
PolitiFact’s Finalist For 2011 Lie Of The Year Is 100 Percent True
PolitiFact’s Finalist For 2011 Lie Of The Year Is 100 Percent True: pPolitiFact has just announced its finalists for 2011′s Lie of the Year. Oddly, the year’s most significant policy claim — the Democrats’ charge that the Paul Ryan budget will end Medicare — made the list, even though it’s 100 percent true! Here is why: Ryan’s plan ends traditional fee-for-service program and forces seniors to ultimately [...]/p
Gingrich Unveils New Child Labor Plan: Make Them Work As ‘Apprenti’ For Trump
Gingrich Unveils New Child Labor Plan: Make Them Work As ‘Apprenti’ For Trump: pGOP front-runner Newt Gingrich sat down with real estate mogul Donald Trump this morning, becoming the latest in a parade of GOP presidential candidates looking for Trump’s endorsement. “I’m a big fan of him,” Gingrich said after the meeting. He’s also the only candidate so far to agree to participate in an upcoming debate Trump [...]/p
VIDEO: 31 Arrested At Occupy DC
VIDEO: 31 Arrested At Occupy DC: pUnited States Park Police arrested 31 at McPherson Square in Washington, the site of the Occupy DC protests, today after protesters refused to dismantle a wooden barn-like structure assembled overnight. Park police discovered the structure this morning around 10:30 a.m. and ordered its removal after building inspectors found it to be unsafe for occupancy, a [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Gates Foundation Grants ALEC A Hefty Sum For 'Education Reform'
Gates Foundation Grants ALEC A Hefty Sum For 'Education Reform'~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
Health Insurers Now Have To Take Their Medicine
Health Insurers Now Have To Take Their Medicine~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
What one Wisconsin voter never had — and in 84 years, never needed — was a birth certificate. She does now, thanks to the Voter I.D. law.
What one Wisconsin voter never had — and in 84 years, never needed — was a birth certificate. She does now, thanks to the Voter I.D. law.~~~~thepoliticalcarnival.net~~~~
2007 VIDEO: Newt Gingrich, “green conservative”, on the urgency of addressing climate change
2007 VIDEO: Newt Gingrich, “green conservative”, on the urgency of addressing climate change~~~~thepoliticalcarnival.net~~~~
Mitt Romney Calls the EPA 'Out of Control' For Wanting to Make Sure Our Drinking Water is Safe
Mitt Romney Calls the EPA 'Out of Control' For Wanting to Make Sure Our Drinking Water is Safe~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
Tom Coburn Calls Newt Gingrich's Leadership 'Lacking'
Tom Coburn Calls Newt Gingrich's Leadership 'Lacking'~~~~crooksandliars.com~~~~
Clean Energy Stunner: Renewable Power Tops Fossil Fuels for First Time
Clean Energy Stunner: Renewable Power Tops Fossil Fuels for First Time: pRenewable energy is surpassing fossil fuels for the first time in new power-plant investments, shaking off setbacks from the financial crisis…. Electricity from the wind, sun, waves and biomass drew $187 billion last year compared with $157 billion for natural gas, oil and coal, according to calculations by Bloomberg New Energy Finance using the latest [...]/p
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Rocky Cain Marriage Nothing New
Rocky Cain Marriage Nothing New~~~~malialitman.wordpress.com~~~~
Maureen Ryan v. The Female Chauvinist Pigs
Maureen Ryan v. The Female Chauvinist Pigs: pHave I mentioned how much I adore Maureen Ryan? Because I adore Maureen Ryan a lot, and she makes a critical point about the representation of women in the television industry and the resulting content in her scathing review of I Hate My Teenage Daughter: Before we all link arms and dance a jig of [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Scott Walker Wants to Charge for 1st Amendment Rights
Scott Walker Wants to Charge for 1st Amendment Rights~~~~politicususa.com~~~~
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Mastermind of $850,000 Smear Campaign Against Occupy Wall Street Co-Hosting Mitt Romney Fundraiser
Mastermind of $850,000 Smear Campaign Against Occupy Wall Street Co-Hosting Mitt Romney Fundraiser: pTwo weeks ago, a leaked secret memo written by a Republican lobbying firm, Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford, outlined an $850,000 plan for the American Bankers Association (ABA) to combat the growing resonance of the Occupy Wall Street movement’s message — that we need an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthiest 1 Percent. (The [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
Cops Invade Occupy Boston To Seize Its Sink
Cops Invade Occupy Boston To Seize Its Sink: pThis evening, riot police invaded the Occupy Boston encampment to seize the protestors’ kitchen sink. The action, which led to the arrest of three protesters and a police officer accidentally stepping on a college-age female protester, was in evident violation of the restraining order that forbids the seizure of personal belongings extended today by Suffolk [...]/p~~~~thinkprogress.org~~~~
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