Friday, January 21, 2011

Beck: Progressives Have "Tried To Destroy" God

Beck: Progressives Have "Tried To Destroy" God  Follow the link to Media Matters~~~~~~A note from thepalinenigma~~~ The Beck "fantasy show" relies on no facts and lots of sensationalism .His bombast  is somewhat familiar! It's loud and mostly hysterical and he's a master at the blame game.I remember as a young Boy in the early forties watching newsreels of the War in Europe and there was another propagandist who with waving arms, sneers and hateful rhetoric would attempt to justify the barbaric actions of his political party.( And he was very successful )The goal was simply to paint his opponents as a ghoulish enemy with no morals . The end result  was the near destruction of an entire Race of human beings.It was achieved by destroying their ability to earn a living, isolating them from  friends and neighbors, taking away all possessions,homes,business's and jobs ! There's a pattern and if you compare Beck and that monster from the forties,you'll see the similarities.He's a dangerous individual and much too many people believe his message ! By the way many of the finest people I know are Progressives and Republicans some are devoutly Christian ( Not fanatically Christian ) And others come from many backgrounds and Religions .They do not judge falsely,they respect and love neighbors,they are faithful to their wives and family,charitable to those less fortunate,and they respect the right of others to pursue the American Dream ; "You know them"  they are your neighbors and friends.Don't let these phonies like Beck fill your head with lies and contempt ! No matter what your political philosophy ,look for the truth without these hate mongers.Work together for a better America .At this stage of our history a choice has to be made "Love your Neighbor " Or take up the mantle of hate preached by so many.The choice seems simple to me ! 

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