Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Who says fascism hasn't arrived ?

The other day I read a post or comment (I'm not sure which)that stated we are not even close to becoming a fascist nation ! I disagree ! Starting with the Supreme courts decision to turn Corporations into living breathing people the GOP's march to trample civil rights began in earnest.Laws against the rights of Woman are being violated in many States (GOP infested States that is) Veterans,young protesters both male and female are brutalized by police ,not in an isolated city or two but all over the Country.The U.S.Govt.has passed law's that inhibit a  protest near political gatherings that are protected by Secret Service.The list is endless and growing so fast it's hard to keep pace.Just today I saw a photo of an out of control cop kicking a young woman in the face.Think for a moment if they are so out of control what they would do in a blind rage ? How about that guard or whatever he is that sprayed those students with pepper spray when they were sitting on the ground protesting in a non violent manner , suppose for a minute he was given the go ahead to use a firearm ? Do you think he would have hesitated ? I don't ! Now I'm finding out that laws are being passed all over the Country to levy exorbitant fines for protest's or gatherings,laws to make protesting a felony with prison terms of up to ten years. Any day now I expect to find out that what I wrote in this post will send me to jail.When are we going to realise" This is real "

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