Sunday, August 12, 2012

A politicians job description?

First question -Is it a politicians job to support a position because it's popular with a small portion of his or her constituents simply because they are major contributors to his or her campaign funds ? Second is the welfare of these contributors more important then the majority of those who depend on a fair and balanced voice from those elected to represent the majority who may or may not have the means to contribute large sums.Third why is it so troubling to the GOP to do the Constitutional job they were elected to do?That is to represent those in our Country who are not rich! By the way the majority of folks are not rich.Our Govt of late (The GOP section )has no regard for the average American's welfare or future.They have ruined the prospects of millions of Men Woman and Children ,they foster the notion that any thing the Govt does for a citizen is an"Entitlement" they seem to forget that the citizens of this Country support the Govt.and they also forget that these very same citizens pay for the Entitlements and Cadilac benefits they receive! Frankly it's disgusting that they are allowed to run rampant over our rights without censure.I am disgusted with the so called News media that forgot how to tell the truth in a fair and balanced manner,fair and balanced is now subterfuge and half truths.Things have to change and it's going to take a lot of Grass roots effort And a helluva lot of effort to change back these unconstitutional voting changes these un-American GOP thugs have enacted.

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