A look at everything Palin and some sleazy stuff about the GOP ---This Blog is a compilation of Web information about Palin and The Right Wing effort to take over this Country for their Corporate Masters---It's not for profit or personal gain
Thursday, March 31, 2011
While We Suffer Corporations Privatize Profits, and Socialize Losses
While We Suffer Corporations Privatize Profits, and Socialize Losses~~~~politicususa~~~~
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Why the Christian right is backing a brutal despot - War Room - Salon.com
WI judge warns attorneys to watch what they say
WI judge warns attorneys to watch what they say~~~~thepoliticalcarnival~~~~
GOP presidential hopefuls are “vile, desperate-to-please, shameless, embarrassing losers”
GOP presidential hopefuls are “vile, desperate-to-please, shameless, embarrassing losers”~~~~thepoliticalcarnival~~~~
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
While Addressing Libya Obama Kicks Bush’s Cowboy Diplomacy To The Curb
While Addressing Libya Obama Kicks Bush’s Cowboy Diplomacy To The Curb~~~~politicususa~~~~ A note from thepalinenigma ~~~~ politicususa should have a favored spot in the Media Spotlight ! On target with up to Date news with no embellishment that I'm sure makes the the GOP shiver.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Immoral Minority: New details released by the FBI leave very little ...
The Immoral Minority: New details released by the FBI leave very little ...: "From the Alaska Dispatch: Two confidential sources on the payroll of the FBI helped the government make its case against Fairbanks-area mi..."
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Michael B. Keegan: Budget Deficit Fixed: The GOP Slashes NPR
Michael B. Keegan: Budget Deficit Fixed: The GOP Slashes NPR~~~~huffingtonpost.com~~~~
Friday, March 25, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Stupid (and last) Sarah Palin quote of the day.
The Immoral Minority: Stupid (and last) Sarah Palin quote of the day.: "From Newser:.com: 'Nobody ever promised life was going to be fair,' she continued. 'And politics really isn't fair, the scrutiny, the doubl..."
THE GOP: A ONE HUNDRED YEAR RECORD OF SWINDLING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE : Veterans Today ~~~~A note from the palinenigma ~~~~This post is even"More" Relevent today~~~~
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Right Wing Watch
Right Wing Watch~~~~A collection of Right wing Crimes and attempted Crimes against The United States and its Citizens~~~~
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Outsourcing Caused State Deficits, Not The Unions
Outsourcing Caused State Deficits, Not The Unions~~~~politicususa~~~~
Monday, March 21, 2011
Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union
Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union Add this to your Favorites its your Freedom!!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
133 House Dems Now Oppose Social Security Benefit Cuts | FDL News Desk
133 House Dems Now Oppose Social Security Benefit Cuts FDL News Desk
A note from the palinenigma~~~~I wonder if we still have 133 Dems opposed to cutting benefits? "One thing I'm sure of "The Repugnants would cut a right arm off every Senior if it meant a Bonus Tax Cut for the Filthy wealthy ones(Those CEOS and Lobbyists that promise them jobs in the private sector.This Country's average working Man and Woman are fed up with these Animals masquerading as Politicians and pretending concern for the Country and it's Citizens.They take the taxpayers hard earned money and pass it on to the Rich in tax breaks and to the Corporate Thugs in tax breaks and these so called "Subsidies" Corporate Earnings are at an all time high !Weve bailed everybody out of trouble except the working man and woman now they expect us to bend over and take it again ? You people think too little of the average person.There are a helluva lot of us !And guess what we arn't going to take it anymore.
A note from the palinenigma~~~~I wonder if we still have 133 Dems opposed to cutting benefits? "One thing I'm sure of "The Repugnants would cut a right arm off every Senior if it meant a Bonus Tax Cut for the Filthy wealthy ones(Those CEOS and Lobbyists that promise them jobs in the private sector.This Country's average working Man and Woman are fed up with these Animals masquerading as Politicians and pretending concern for the Country and it's Citizens.They take the taxpayers hard earned money and pass it on to the Rich in tax breaks and to the Corporate Thugs in tax breaks and these so called "Subsidies" Corporate Earnings are at an all time high !Weve bailed everybody out of trouble except the working man and woman now they expect us to bend over and take it again ? You people think too little of the average person.There are a helluva lot of us !And guess what we arn't going to take it anymore.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Sarah Palin Says She Would've Won 2008 If She Had Been Top of Ticket
Sarah Palin Says She Would've Won 2008 If She Had Been Top of Ticket~~~~politicususa~~~~ The palinenigma says read this and have a good laugh , talk about delusional.
http://malialitman.wordpress.com/2011/03/19/sarah-palins-vision-of-america-one-possible-speech-from-india/~~~~~~~A note from the palinenigma ~~As usual Malia Litman is spot on Her depiction of Sarah Palin is one of the best yet~~
The Immoral Minority: Apparently the Feds sold Schaeffer Cox and his fellow toy soldiers silencers and fake grenades which they then stored in a trailer. Brilliant military minds at work here folks!
The Immoral Minority: Apparently the Feds sold Schaeffer Cox and his fellow toy soldiers silencers and fake grenades which they then stored in a trailer. Brilliant military minds at work here folks!Video in above post !
Friday, March 18, 2011
Judge blocks publication of Wisconsin collective bargaining law
Judge blocks publication of Wisconsin collective bargaining law~~~~thepoliticalcarnival~~~~
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Unreliable Intelligence: Sarah Palin at the RNC
Unreliable Intelligence: Sarah Palin at the RNC~~~~funnyordie~~~~
The Fearless Women Who Inspire Us All
The Fearless Women Who Inspire Us All~~~~politicususa~~~~
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The Shameful Face of the GOP
The GOP plan is to dumb down America it also intends to eliminate Public Broadcasting Probobly because its so helpful in educating and molding young Children ! Keep the workers poor,keep the children uneducated (This from the liars who are so concerned with the School system they want to privatize it so the children will get a better Education) Privitazation serves one purpose,Make's big business bigger.It wants to Keep Woman Pregnant and at home and try to sell them on dying to have a child.Tell a 12 year old she must have a baby even tho her Father,Brother,Uncle or whoever "raped "her.Make no provision to take care of children born this way,Tell a woman she must prove that a miscarrige was not an abortion or be tried for murder.And just to make things much worse take away any right to collective bargaining,reduce the minimum wage.Eliminate Child labor laws.Take over any City or Town a State Governor deems neccesary and put in its place whatever Corporation is feeding him the most graft.Eliminate any and all assistance to the Needy and Elderly,including Medicade,Medicare,Part D Drug plans and all social assistinance.Also Eliminate Social Security.There is so much more in store its frightning. Its sounds like something my older Cousins Fought against in The Second World War!And so many young Men and Women died for!Whats worse all this and more is being proposed and made Law in many States. Are these people really Americans ?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The Immoral Minority~~~~ Michael Moore Raises an Army
The Immoral Minority~~~~Michael Moore Raises an Army to march on Michigan~~~~A note from the palinenigma Enough ! Finally the Egotistical Money crazy Repugnants bought and paid for by The Corporate Thugs are getting a dose of Democracy in Action !! Its not going away! Your overreach has tipped the scales and your lies and dirty dealing's will never be forgotten
Monday, March 14, 2011
Serene Jones: Equal Pray for Women
Serene Jones: Equal Pray for Women~~~~huffingtonpost~~~~
Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.: Abortion, Scientific Denialism and Religious Fundamentalism
Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.: Abortion, Scientific Denialism and Religious Fundamentalism~~~~thehuffingtonpost~~~~
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Wisconsin Republican Targeted For Recall by Wife and Maid
Wisconsin Republican Targeted For Recall by Wife and Maid~~~~politicususa~~~~
Doocy: 'Makes a Lot of Sense' to Treat People Like Dogs to Reduce Health Care Costs | Video Cafe
Doocy: 'Makes a Lot of Sense' to Treat People Like Dogs to Reduce Health Care Costs Video Cafe~~~~A note from the palinenigma ~~~A blast from the past The thugs must have taken this to heart~~~~
Wisconsin Farmers' Tractor Rally for Workers' Rights (1 of 8)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Koch Bros Increased Wealth by $9 Billion As They Fund Laws to Make Working Class Poorer
Koch Bros Increased Wealth by $9 Billion As They Fund Laws to Make Working Class Poorer~~~~thepoliticalcarnival~~~~
Friday, March 11, 2011
palingates: Will Sarah Palin stand up for children with specia...
palingates: Will Sarah Palin stand up for children with specia...: "The House GOP's budget, which passed last month, takes a hatchet to programs for disabled kids and Special Olympics athletes. The proposed ..."
The Immoral Minority: Rachel Maddow is about to make you very upset this...
The Immoral Minority: Rachel Maddow is about to make you very upset this...: "Rachel Maddow is a very nice person, I even got to meet her once, but this segment will probably have you pulling your hair and sc..."
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Health Care Benefit Cuts Being Mapped Out By House Republicans
Health Care Benefit Cuts Being Mapped Out By House Republicans~~~~A note from the palinenigma~~~~The only thing the House Republicans should be mapping out is how to pack a suitcase~~~~~
Utah Republicans fire a devastating broadside at democracy while the nation’s attention is on Wisconsin. | MyFDL
Utah Republicans fire a devastating broadside at democracy while the nation’s attention is on Wisconsin. MyFDL~~~~~~~~A note from the palinenigma~~~~~And so the March of Fascism goes unchecked and ignored by The White House!!No indignation From our Elected Dem's in Washington.Where the hell is our Representation ,aside from Rank and file Democrats and a few from the GOP with a conscience.Don't these everyday working conservatives realise they are signing on to doom their futures?
palingates: How Sarah Palin deals with a crisis
palingates: How Sarah Palin deals with a crisis: "I have slowed down the review of Sarah Palin's gates as there aren't many left to refresh. I looked at the list and clicked on Indifference..."~~~~~~~ A note from thepalinenigma~~~~~~This post from palingates shows the true nature of Sister Sarah !! She is a master of the lie.Truly a Hypocrite in every area of her life.This sad excuse of a person rose to become not someone who was honestly interested in Public Service ,not someone interested in the well being of the her constituents,but a self serving Joke.She truly is not the type you would want as a role model for your Daughters.Come to think of it , She's a role model for no one.
Bloch and the DOJ conspired
Bloch and the DOJ conspired~~~~empty wheel.firedoglake.com~~~~
Chris Christie is a liar and no one cares
Chris Christie is a liar and no one cares~~~~thepoliticalcarnival~~~~A note from thepalinenigma~~~~ These would be dicktators will stop at nothing,say anything,to achieve their fascist agenda!! Christie ,You and your thug buddies have shown us your real face and we know who you are.Did you really think we would stand by while you attempted to crush our State.Watch what a public outcry achieves.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
“This is now the third committee that the GOP has had to rig…”
“This is now the third committee that the GOP has had to rig…”~~~~thepoliticalcarnival~~~~
A Tale Of Two Wisconsin Town Hall Meetings
A Tale Of Two Wisconsin Town Hall Meetings~~~~~~~~~A note from the palinenigma~~The Republicans cant stand the heat so they retreat like a bunch of cowards~~
Scott Brown Gets Down On His Knees and Sucks Some Koch
Scott Brown Gets Down On His Knees and Sucks Some Koch~~~~politicususa~~~~A note from the palinenigma~~~~If there was ever any doubt about who pulls the Scott Brown puppet strings Watch the video
Blue Jersey:: The Jersey Guys Are No More. Good Riddance.
Blue Jersey:: The Jersey Guys Are No More. Good Riddance.~~~~This is an August post from Blue Jersey .I wish it was dated March 8th
Monday, March 7, 2011
A NJ Radio station Thug
'America Is NOT Broke': Michael Moore Speaks in Madison, WI -- March 5, ...
Thank you Michael
Energized: “This is not a Wisconsin thing, it’s a national thing.” + Michael Moore VIDEO.
Energized: “This is not a Wisconsin thing, it’s a national thing.” + Michael Moore VIDEO.~~~~thepoliticalcarnival~~~~
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
palingates: Sarah Palin's trip to India
palingates: Sarah Palin's trip to India: "Sarah Palin's trip to India is rapidly approaching and a reader posted a link in the last thread which led me to an Indian site. They are n..."
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Immoral Minority: Thirteen year old pregnant girl makes terrible cho...
The Immoral Minority: Thirteen year old pregnant girl makes terrible cho...: "Courtesy of Care2: A story out of Pennsylvania illustrates the tragic and extremely dangerous consequences of laws that restrict abortion a..."
palingates: Sarah Palin's Board of Game - The games continue u...
palingates: Sarah Palin's Board of Game - The games continue u...: "I received an e-mail from the representative of Defenders of Wildlife in Alaska: Aerial gunning kills too many wolves in Alaska as it is, ..."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A note from the palinenigma~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It seems as if the former Queen of Alaska's Henchmen are following in her footsteps Only in a more Radical and offensive way!!They now want areial murder of Bears (For so called conservation reasons)Bloowy Read ~~Palingates post~~~ and weep over another so called conservatives agenda
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Dark Red Secrets: In Iowa Palin is Fading
Dark Red Secrets: In Iowa Palin is Fading: "Photo by: Andrea Melendrez Thomas Beaumont at the Des Moines Register has an article up about the declining poll numbers for Sarah Palin. ..."
The Immoral Minority: The Fox News reporter was NOT hit by a Wisconsin p...
The Immoral Minority: The Fox News reporter was NOT hit by a Wisconsin p...: "Early yesterday morning I posted about a Fox News reporter being heckled by Wisconsin protesters who claimed, while the camera was convenien..."
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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