Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Shameful Face of the GOP

The GOP plan is to  dumb down America it  also intends to eliminate Public Broadcasting Probobly because its so helpful in educating and molding young Children ! Keep the workers poor,keep the children uneducated (This from the liars who are so concerned with the School system they want to privatize it so the children will get a better Education) Privitazation serves one purpose,Make's big business bigger.It wants to Keep Woman Pregnant and at home and try to sell them on dying to have a child.Tell a 12 year old she must have a baby even tho her Father,Brother,Uncle or whoever "raped "her.Make no provision to take care of children born this way,Tell a woman she must prove that a miscarrige was not an abortion or be tried for murder.And just to make things much worse take away any right to collective bargaining,reduce the minimum wage.Eliminate Child labor laws.Take over any City or Town a State Governor deems neccesary and put in its place whatever Corporation is feeding him the most graft.Eliminate any and all assistance to the Needy and Elderly,including Medicade,Medicare,Part D Drug plans and all social assistinance.Also Eliminate Social Security.There is so much more in store its frightning. Its sounds like something my older Cousins Fought against in The Second World War!And so many young Men and Women died for!Whats worse all this and more is being proposed and made Law in many States. Are these people really Americans ?

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