Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Republicans Shove Women Back to the Alley

Republicans Shove Women Back to the Alley A Post from politicususa written by Amy Morton~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The following is a note from thepalinenigma~~~~~~ A thought about our future and what the GOP has in store for The United States of America and its citizens~~~~~~I wonder how long it will be before the rapid death of the poor ?,I would imagine this will come after the entitlements are abolished.As far as the right is concerned ,what used to be the middle class can quickly replace the poor who die.The shift of medicare funds to wall street,A ban on Welfare ( This could be accomplished with the threat to withhold Federal funding from an offending State (If that's legal ,I guess if its not legal the repugnants will fix that), Lower or maybe eliminate the tax for the wealthy and Corporations,Health care will be so expensive only the wealthy can afford it (The repugnants wont mind subsidising the health care industry if it loses money (This would fix the middle class problem ,They would die faster. A plan to convert empty foreclosed homes to 4 family dwellings will see to it that the Banks can recover lost money,(The new lower middle class poor wont be able to afford much more then a room and a half per family) Finally a shift to a Theocratic Govt.and a name change to something like "The New Christian Dominionist States of Holiness"Then comes the fun stuff,A test for all citizens to evaluate his or her level of holiness,if the test score on biblical knowledge isn't satisfactory ? The punishment will require retraining in a work camp for an indefinite time,(IF you survive the retraining camp) The punishment for a second offense will be an inquisition conducted using torture ( Cant have any pretenders running around polluting the lower middle class poor ( The burden of feeding all the pretenders is too heavy , so weed them out and eliminate them)Non Christians who refuse to convert will be put to death immediately along with anyone deemed not worthy of holiness,The state of and degree of holiness will be decided by a group of very very holy former evangelists who no longer have to evangelise ( The New laws make it a crime to not follow the law and be as holy as The New Christian Dominionist States of Holiness dictate) Everyone in TheNCDS of H is guaranteed happiness (That is as long as they follow the Law)

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